Amplification: The Dance

The first dreams belong clearly to the secularised culture of western Europe in the late nineteenth century. Although they had much meaning for the dreamer, the meaning is personal and relates to the personal unconscious. The importance of the first dream is the beginning realisation that the ego and the animus are two separate aspects of the psyche and that a growing consciousness will no longer allow the dreamer to be comfortable with her lack of discrimination.
The dream of dancing in the chorus begins to point the way to a deeper level of understanding. To dance in the chorus is less inflated and carries with it more recognition that the ego must work very hard indeed to have the privilege of 'dancing'. Except for those few persons dancing in recognised ballet companies most dancers earn their living in boring and sometimes menial jobs, often living in marginal comfort and security, so they may study ballet at night and perform with small companies.
We contrast this to the sorcerer of Les Trois Frères mentioned above. He is in the posture of the dance and he is wearing many attributes of animal nature, wolf or stag ears, antlers, bear paws, an animal pelt, human legs and feet and a penis placed where a feline's would be. He has round staring eyes, which remind me of marmoset eyes-eyes which can see in the dark; to put it psychologically, eyes which can see into the unconscious. Perhaps by putting on or wearing such attributes he possesses, and therefore, can use them.
