Submitted by ARASAllison on
Imagine original beings walking the earth, archetypal forms in the making, emerging out of the land. Emerging simultaneously from the human psyche. You might ask – am I discovering these beings walking toward me across the land, or am I creating them?
It is a human thing to dream creatures. Yet perhaps not every original being is invented by human beings. Perhaps the force of nature has a life of its own and comes to meet us in forms that nature chooses, firing our imagination as it does so. A special kind of sung poetry has developed among many peoples of the world that mingles the reality that we see with the reality that we create. There may not be one clear term in the English language that describes this intermingling of that which we imagine and that which is independently there. I prefer the term ontopoiesis – or, more simply, ontopoetic – suggesting a mingling of the Greek concept ontos (“that which is” – “I am” or “being”) with poiesis (indicating “coming into being”–“creation” or “bringing forth”).
Together these words ontos and poiesis synchronize into a sense of the poetic, creative relationships between beings. This intermingling is an intricate etymological and psychological matter and my sentence here merely hints at the subtlety of ontopoetics. Let us say that the term draws our attention to the poetic infrastructure of creation, the beauty and symmetry that may be found in the order of an insect, in the structure of seeds, in the composition of bird song, in the camouflage speckle on the skin of trout or deer. And then there is the response that a human being makes to these symmetries, for the human is a part of this design.
Read Introduction to the Kore in its entirety.