A Concordance by Thornton Ladd

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Persian's `divine grace' as power-concept

The power-concept is the earliest form of a concept of God among primitives, and is an image which has undergone countless variations in the course of history:

Persian's `divine grace' as power-concept
primitive energetics

Primitive energetics is a term aptly coined by Lovejoy, which may be understood as follows:

plunge oneself into an `ocean of divinity
identification with the collective psyche

A phenomenon which may be understood as follows:

all-powerful divine Being present everywhere


men killed by poisonous breath of the divine bull
Gilgamesh Epic

divine hero born from the sea every morning
mythical images

Mythical images reflect a fantastic, distorted form of the physical process, for example:

divine hero mounts the chariot of the sun
mythical images

Mythical images reflect a fantastic, distorted form of the physical process, for example:

soul thought of as having a divine nature
forefather's concept of soul

We have now discovered that it was an intellectually unjustified presumption on our forefathers' part to assume that man has a soul. It was believed that:

offering made to sun divinity at moment of its rising
Elgonyi sunrise ceremony

The significance of the Elgonyi sunrise ceremony may be understood as follows:

What is meant by the divinity of Christ?
protective wall of dogma

Dogma takes the place of the collective unconscious by formulating its contents on a grand scale. The Catholic way of life is completely unaware of psychological problems in this sense:

king's son offers jewel to the highest divinity
seized by a panic fear

The way of the soul in search of its lost father like Sophia seeking Bythosleads to the water, to the dark mirror that reposes at its bottom. Whoever has elected for the state of spiritual poverty, the true heritage of Protestantism carried to its logical conclusion, goes the way of the soul that leads to the water. This water is no figure of speech, but a living symbol of the dark psyche. This is best illustrated by the foregoing dream

divine syzygies as male-female pairs of deities
anima as archetype

The anima is an archetype of paramount practical importance for the psychotherapist:

divine curiosity doesn't shrink from suffering

Logos may be understood as the paternal principle where there is no consciousness without discrimination of the opposites. The Logos eternally struggles to extricate itself from the primal warmth and primal darkness of the maternal womb, i.e., from unconsciousness, hence:

transformation of a human into a divine being
forms of rebirth

The first of the five aspects of rebirth to which I should like to draw attention is that of metempsychosis, or transmigration of souls:

initiate as a mere witness of divine drama
experience of the transcendence of life

The first of two main groups of transformation:

child as `a mere child' and also divine
child archetype: invincibility of the

It is a striking paradox in all child myths that the “child” is on the one hand delivered helpless into the power of terrible enemies and in continual danger of extinction, while on the other he possesses powers far exceeding those of ordinary humanity:

thrall leads to epiphany of semi-divine hero
child archetype: invincibility of the

It is a striking paradox in all child myths that the “child” is on the one hand delivered helpless into the power of terrible enemies and in continual danger of extinction, while on the other he possesses powers far exceeding those of ordinary humanity:

eternal child' as a divine prerogative in man
child archetype: motif of beginning and end

Faust, after his death, is received as a boy into the “choir of blessed youths.” I do not know whether Goethe was referring, with this peculiar idea, to the cupids on antique grave-stones. It is not unthinkable:

Earth Mother is a divine being in classical sense
psychological aspects of the Kore

Not only is the figure of Demeter and the Kore in its threefold aspect as maiden, mother, and Hecate not unknown to the psychology of the unconscious, it is even something of a practical problem:

Shiva-bindu as the divine power before creation

An Indian picture of Shiva-bindu, the unextended point. It shows the divine power before the creation: the opposites are still united. The god rests in the point. Hence the snake signifies extension, the mother of Becoming, the creation of the world of forms. In India this point is also called Hiranyagarbha, `golden germ' or `golden egg.' We read in the Sanatsugatiya: “That pure great light which is radiant, that great glory which the gods worship, which makes the sun shine forth, that divine, eternal Being is perceived by the faithful”

conscience as divine intervention of the voice of God

The etymology of the word “conscience” tells us that it is a special form of “knowledge” or “consciousness”:

unconscious produces idea of a deified or divine man
modern mandala

If we apply the same method to the modern mandalas that people have seen in dreams or visions, or have developed through “active imagination,” we reach the conclusion that mandalas are expressions of a certain attitude which we cannot help calling “religious”:

aqua permanens as divine spirit extracted from chaos
religion as a predominant psychological condition

If I am right in supposing that every religion is a spontaneous expression of a certain predominant psychological condition, then Christianity was the formulation of a condition that predominated at the beginning of our era and lasted for several centuries:

quinta essentia as divine spirit extracted from chaos
religion as a predominant psychological condition

If I am right in supposing that every religion is a spontaneous expression of a certain predominant psychological condition, then Christianity was the formulation of a condition that predominated at the beginning of our era and lasted for several centuries:

divine water as a kind of baptismal water
religion as a predominant psychological condition

If I am right in supposing that every religion is a spontaneous expression of a certain predominant psychological condition, then Christianity was the formulation of a condition that predominated at the beginning of our era and lasted for several centuries:
