With Ukrainian Jungians

#WithUkrainianJungians and all peoples facing erasure

#WUJ Webinar Series and ARAS Image Project

ARAS was pleased to collaborate with #WithUkrainianJungians in a joint effort to support our Ukrainian colleagues.

The #WithUkrainianJungians (#WUJ) Project hosted the international Jungian community and beyond once a month for 16 months in solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues. The webinars were led by eminent Jungians in collaboration with some of our Ukrainian colleagues. The purpose was to build a strong container to hold our Ukrainian colleagues - and any other colleagues whose community faces erasure - during a time of immense trauma. The webinar series took place between 1/24/23 and 5/21/24.

Presenters and participants in the series were invited to share images and pieces of music that arose in response to their experience of each webinar which are hosted in our gallery.

The webinars, slideshows that accompanied the webinars and the image gallery are all available via the links below.






Webinar Recordings




Click on the collage above to find out more about it.