With Ukrainian Jungians

#WithUkrainianJungians and all peoples facing erasure

#WUJ - ARAS Image Project

ARAS is pleased to collaborate with #WithUkrainianJungians in a joint effort to support our Ukrainian colleagues.

Presenters and participants in the 2023/4 #WUJ webinar series are invited to share images and pieces of music that arise in response to their experience of each webinar.

We are looking for newly created as well as existing images and music that come to mind. Pieces which manifest in a synchronistic way are also welcomed.

The webinar series launches 1/24/23 and continues monthly until 5/21/24.

You can submit an image or audio file by clicking on Submissions. ARAS will collate and publish your image/audio file with its cultural context and archetypal association on our website.

ARAS will also host all of the webinar recordings from the #WUJ series. Please consider making a donation to #WithUkrainianJungians.


To submit an image to the gallery, please email it to




Webinar Recordings




More information about the entire #WUJ project


The Ark, The Psyche’s Response to Disaster - English

The Ark, The Psyche’s Response to Disaster- Ukrainian/Ковчег, реакція психіки на катастрофу - українська


Click on the collage above to find out more about it.