A Concordance by Thornton Ladd

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deification of the divine Self
psychology of the transference


Holy Ghost as divine Logos
terrestrial and ethereal fire

Mythical thinking distinguishes two types of fire. The Stoics spoke of a terrestrial fire and an ethereal fire. The latter corresponded to Nous, the divine Logos, and is analogous to the later Christian conception of the Holy Spirit. Bevan describes the concept of ethereal fire as follows: “All round the world was an envelope of the fiery ether, pure and unmixed, but it also penetrated the whole mass, as its soul” ( Bevan, Stoics and Sceptics, p. 43 )

Incarnation of the Divine Logos
rescuing power of flesh

The grandest symbol of coagulatio is the Christian myth of the Incarnation of the Divine Logos:

revelation of the divine realm

Sublimatio constitutes one of the seven major alchemical operations as distinguished by Edinger, each one a center of an elaborate symbol system making up the principle content of all culture-products. The author's cluster diagram (fig. 005.00) of sublimatio is shown below:

revelation of the divine realm

Sublimatio constitutes one of the seven major alchemical operations as distinguished by Edinger, each one a center of an elaborate symbol system making up the principle content of all culture-products. The author's cluster diagram (fig. 005.00) of sublimatio is shown below:

Christ emptying himself of divinity
Hélène Kiener (6-1-1956)

(Location not given)

fiery fish as divine love and divine grace
double nature of the fish

Jung tells us that according to certain early texts, the original sea monster was split into two:

libido as sacred, divine fire, divine love
double nature of the fish

Jung tells us that according to certain early texts, the original sea monster was split into two:

pagan conceptions of divinity

The God-image may be understood as follows:

sun as divine Logos
light symbolism

Light-symbolism gradually develops as the intensity of a vision increases, into the figure of the sun-hero, the “well-beloved.” These visionary processes are the psychological roots of the sun-coronations in the mystery religions.the early Church stood in a special relationship to Christ as the Sol novus, [new sun]. Philo Judaeus saw in the sun the image of the divine Logos, or even the deity itself.At the time of Marcus Aurelius, Melito, in his treatise,called Christ “The sun of the East.As the only sun he rose in the heavens”

Agni as divine son
ritual of fire-making


Agni as divine mediator


fire as something divine


divine messenger and mediator

The divine figure Eros may be understood as follows:

Khidr proclaimed divine wisdom
life-journey of Moses and servant Joshua

An idea exemplified by the following:

water as the divinity
meaning of the cross

The cross has various meanings in addition to that of the tree of life:

divine One is restored
fire symbolism of the mystic quadriga

There is a distinct fire symbolism in the mystic quadriga mentioned by Dio Chrysostom:

divine archetypal drama
regression in a young person

If a regression occurs in a young person, his own individual life is supplanted by the divine archetypal drama, which is all the more devastating for him because his conscious education provides him with no means of recognizing what is happening, and thus with no possibility of freeing himself from its fascination. Herein lay the vital importance of myths: they explained to the bewildered human being what was going on in his unconscious and why he was held fast. The myths told him: “This is not you, but the gods. You will never reach them, so turn back to your human avocations, holding the gods in fear and respect”

man partakes of divinity
motif of dual birth

The dual mother may be replaced by the motif of dual birth, which has attained a lofty significance in various religions:

divine child' slumbers
realm of the Eternal Feminine

A prenatal condition to which undisturbed libido regressesto an immemorial world of archetypal possibilities where, “thronged round with images of all creation,” slumbers the “divine child,” patiently awaiting his conscious realization

divinity of the hero


hero as divine protagonist
meaning of sacrifice

The meaning of sacrifice may be understood as follows:

sinister divine figure

As goddess of the underworld, Hecate, is dog-headed, like Anubis. As Canicula, she received dog sacrifices to keep away the pest

rta as divine law

The concept of rta may be understood as follows:

Dante's Divine Comedy
worship of woman and worship of the soul

The worship of woman and worship of the soul are factors which had a profound effect on the psychic culture of manmore specifically:
