A Concordance by Thornton Ladd

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honey in wax as the divinity in humanity
Case Summary: Candles and Crucifix

The following dream is the most remarkable example on the theme of coagulatio symbolism that I have yet encountered:

Paris as human victim of divine buck passing

Separatio constitutes one of seven major alchemical operations as distinguished by Edinger, each one a center of an elaborate symbol system making up the principle content of all culture-products. The author's cluster diagram (fig. 007.00) of separatio is shown below:

wars for the kingship of the divine kingdom

A consideration of Greek mythology must start with at least a brief look at the myths of creation or cosmogony. There are several versions of how the cosmos came into existence

Christian Annunciation: union of divine and human

Let us start with Zeus:

no firmly established ego will grant the divine refuge

Apollo's attributes are the sun, light, clarity, truth. He represents the principle of rational consciousness which, in so many positive and heroic figures, has difficulty in being born:

imperfect man has a partner in the divine realm

Hephaestus, the blacksmith of the gods, was the master of fire and its operationsa metallurgist, a craftsman:

Sophia's shadow as perversion of divine into dark / magical
Albert Jung (5-20-1947)

Physician and analytical psychologist, now professor at Fribourg U., Switzerland. (No relation of C. G. Jung.)

darkness and remoteness of God as effect of divine presence
Canon H. G. England (1-8-1948)

Exeter, England

darkness seems to be one of the divine characteristics
Canon H. G. England (1-8-1948)

Exeter, England

children have a clearer vision for divine things
Christian Stamm (4-23-1949)

Gächlingen, Switzerland

elevation of human figure to a king or a divinity
attraction or enmity

Another favourite theriomorphic image is that of the two birds or two dragons, (fig. 001.3) , one of them winged, the other wingless. This allegory comes from an ancient text, De Chemia Senioris antiquissimi philosophi libellus. The wingless bird or dragon prevents the other from flying. They stand for Sol and Luna, brother and sister, who are united by means of the art

Christ emptied of divinity so as to become man

Kenosis is a Greek word meaning “emptying.” This theme comes out of the idea that, in the course of the month, the moon darkens as she approaches the sun. The thought was that she voluntarily empties herself of her light and pours it into the sun

fiery ether as region of Divine Logosthe Nous
multiple luminosities

Multiple luminosities may be understood as follows:

divine fire of Stoics as flaming sword of Genesis
Eye of God

The Eye of God is the same image, the same phenomenon, [as the multiplicity of eyes], except now it has been unified, it's not a multiplicity. It refers to the experience of being seen and known by an other in the unconscious. The Eye of God is a particularly important image in Egyptian religion. Rundle Clark has this to say:

divine fire of the Logos as the pneuma
Eye of God

The Eye of God is the same image, the same phenomenon, [as the multiplicity of eyes], except now it has been unified, it's not a multiplicity. It refers to the experience of being seen and known by an other in the unconscious. The Eye of God is a particularly important image in Egyptian religion. Rundle Clark has this to say:

divine fire of the Logos resides in soul of individual
Eye of God

The Eye of God is the same image, the same phenomenon, [as the multiplicity of eyes], except now it has been unified, it's not a multiplicity. It refers to the experience of being seen and known by an other in the unconscious. The Eye of God is a particularly important image in Egyptian religion. Rundle Clark has this to say:

divine fire of the Stoic philosophers as fire of Logos
Eye of God

The Eye of God is the same image, the same phenomenon, [as the multiplicity of eyes], except now it has been unified, it's not a multiplicity. It refers to the experience of being seen and known by an other in the unconscious. The Eye of God is a particularly important image in Egyptian religion. Rundle Clark has this to say:

ka as divine life-force and procreative power
images of kingship

The king is a major image in the collective psyche, and that is why it gets such a large consideration in Mysterium Coniunctionis. It is not an image that comes up often in work with American patients because the American psyche does not characteristically have the image of the king in it. America was born in rebellion against kingship. (That will be an essay for somebody to write some daythe psychological significance of that fact for the American psyche.) But that doesn't mean that we're free of the archetype; it just means it takes on different clothing. For Americans, in most cases, the image comes up as the image of the president, or sometimes chairman of the board. But the same archetypal content lies behind those imagesit is still the king by any other name:

king had all the trappings of divinity in antiquity
images of kingship

The king is a major image in the collective psyche, and that is why it gets such a large consideration in Mysterium Coniunctionis. It is not an image that comes up often in work with American patients because the American psyche does not characteristically have the image of the king in it. America was born in rebellion against kingship. (That will be an essay for somebody to write some daythe psychological significance of that fact for the American psyche.) But that doesn't mean that we're free of the archetype; it just means it takes on different clothing. For Americans, in most cases, the image comes up as the image of the president, or sometimes chairman of the board. But the same archetypal content lies behind those imagesit is still the king by any other name:

scepter, mantle, orb as trappings of divinity
images of kingship

The king is a major image in the collective psyche, and that is why it gets such a large consideration in Mysterium Coniunctionis. It is not an image that comes up often in work with American patients because the American psyche does not characteristically have the image of the king in it. America was born in rebellion against kingship. (That will be an essay for somebody to write some daythe psychological significance of that fact for the American psyche.) But that doesn't mean that we're free of the archetype; it just means it takes on different clothing. For Americans, in most cases, the image comes up as the image of the president, or sometimes chairman of the board. But the same archetypal content lies behind those imagesit is still the king by any other name:

divine eternal qualities are attached to the materia
transformation of the King: 1

The next material is a continuation of the imagery of the king's transformation. We have a text from Trismosin's Splendor solis that takes up this theme. I shall order all my remarks around it:

Persian version / origin of evil resides in divine realm
Adam as wise man and first alchemist

Jung states that a lot of material indicates that Adam was associated with primal wisdom and was also, in some alchemical material, thought to be the first alchemist. It is even thought that he brought the Philosophers' Stone out of Paradise. There is a very interesting story in the Kabbalah about Adam's book of wisdom and Jung alludes to it in CW14: par. 572 :

analyst cannot fulfill projection of divine responsibility
transference / counter-transference: 1

The transference / counter-transference may be understood as follows:

divine nature of Jesus descends at baptism
double aspect of Christ

Another major theme continued throughout Aion is the double aspect of Christ:

Anthropos as name for divine substance
figure of the demiurge

Gnostic tradition says that when the highest God saw what miserable, unconscious creatures these human beings were whom the demiurge had created, who were not even able to walk upright, he immediately got the work of redemption under way:
