A Concordance by Thornton Ladd

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divine water possesses a creative quality
religion as a predominant psychological condition

If I am right in supposing that every religion is a spontaneous expression of a certain predominant psychological condition, then Christianity was the formulation of a condition that predominated at the beginning of our era and lasted for several centuries:

divine water possesses a transformative quality
religion as a predominant psychological condition

If I am right in supposing that every religion is a spontaneous expression of a certain predominant psychological condition, then Christianity was the formulation of a condition that predominated at the beginning of our era and lasted for several centuries:

philosophic gold as the divine hermaphrodite
religion as a predominant psychological condition

If I am right in supposing that every religion is a spontaneous expression of a certain predominant psychological condition, then Christianity was the formulation of a condition that predominated at the beginning of our era and lasted for several centuries:

Trinity symbolizes the divine and the human
descent of the Holy Ghost

The psychological relationship between man and the trinitarian life process is illustrated first by the human nature of Christ, and second by the descent of the Holy Ghost and his indwelling in man, as predicted and promised by the Christian message:

importance of devil in the divine drama

The Christian definition of God as the summum bonum excludes the Evil One right from the start, despite the fact that in the Old Testament he was still one of the “sons of God”:

devil as luminous realm of divinity

The Christian definition of God as the summum bonum excludes the Evil One right from the start, despite the fact that in the Old Testament he was still one of the “sons of God”:

devil is also a divine procession

The Christian definition of God as the summum bonum excludes the Evil One right from the start, despite the fact that in the Old Testament he was still one of the “sons of God”:

Christian has to rely on divine comfort

Despite the fact that the Christian is potentially redeemed, he is given over to moral suffering, and in his suffering he needs the Comforter, the Paraclete:

divine comfort as a reconciling light

Despite the fact that the Christian is potentially redeemed, he is given over to moral suffering, and in his suffering he needs the Comforter, the Paraclete:

divine spirit does not obey man's will

Despite the fact that the Christian is potentially redeemed, he is given over to moral suffering, and in his suffering he needs the Comforter, the Paraclete:

eternal character of divine sacrifice made evident
transformation rite of the Mass

The rite of transformation may be said to begin with the Offertory, an antiphon recited during the offering of the sacrificial gifts. Here we encounter the first ritual act relating to the transformation:

homogeneous liquid as the `divine water
Hebrew god and Saturn

In Zosimos' day Saturn was regarded as a Hebrew god, presumably on account of the keeping holy of the SabbathSaturday means `Saturn's Day'and also on account of the Gnostic parallel with the supreme archon Ialdabaoth (`child of chaos') who, as,may be grouped together with Baal, Kronos, and Saturn:

ritual event from the divine viewpoint
psychology of the Mass

The ritual event that takes place in the Mass has a dual aspect, human and divine:

dichotomy of God' as divinity and humanity
psychology of the Mass

The ritual event that takes place in the Mass has a dual aspect, human and divine:

divine substance of the suffering Dionysus Zagreus
symbolic act of sacrifice

It is clear from the foregoing that the sacrificial gift is symbolic, and that it embraces everything which is expressed by the symbol, namely the physical product, the processed substance, the psychological achievement, and the autonomous, daemonic life principle of cultivated plants:

wine symbolizes divine numen that promises ecstasy
symbolic act of sacrifice

It is clear from the foregoing that the sacrificial gift is symbolic, and that it embraces everything which is expressed by the symbol, namely the physical product, the processed substance, the psychological achievement, and the autonomous, daemonic life principle of cultivated plants:

production of the `divine water
archetype of sacrifice

Comparing the basic ideas of the Mass with the imagery of the Zosimos visions, we find that, despite considerable differences, there is a remarkable degree of similarity. For the sake of clearness I give the similarities and differences in tabular form:

animal divinity as blissful and terrible experience
dream or vision symbolism: Initial (Vs-22)


animal divinity of the primordial psyche
dream or vision symbolism: Initial (Vs-22)


casting our sins upon a divine mediator
purpose in the power of evil

During the process of treatment the dialectical discussion leads logically to a meeting between the patient and his shadow, that dark half of the psyche which we invariably get rid of by means of projection: either by burdening our neighboursin a wider or narrower sensewith all the faults which we obviously have ourselves, or by casting our sins upon a divine mediator with the aid of contritio or the milder attritio:

divine intoxication vanished from sacred precincts
Dionysian element

The Dionysian element has to do with emotions and affects which have found no suitable religious outlet in the predominantly Apollonian cult and ethos of Christianity:

human distinctions merged in animal divinity
dream or vision symbolism: Initial (Vs-22)


lunar water fertilized by the divine breath
symbols of the alchemical goal

The arrangement of the stages in individual authors depends primarily on their conception of the alchemical goal:

Mercurius as divine winged Hermes in matter
double face of alchemy

The vignette (fig. 144) that is on the title-page to the Tripus aureus (1678) is a graphic illustration of the double face of alchemy:

Philemon and Baucis received divine strangers
Faustian drama

Some time previous to this latest development, alchemy had reached its final summit, and with it the historical turning-point, in Goethe's Faust, which is steeped in alchemical forms of thought from beginning to end:
