A Concordance by Thornton Ladd

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aqua mercurialis as a divine fire
Mercurius as fire

Many treatises define Mercurius simply as fire:

conception of tetrasomia characterizes divine figures
tetrasomia of Greek alchemy

Sun and moon supply the seeds that are planted in the earth (= Mercurius), and presumably the four other planets form the trunk of the tree:

Dharmakaya as the divine body of truth
disintegration of consciousness

The instructions of The Tibetan Book of the Dead in particular help us to see how great is the danger that consciousness will be disintegrated by these figures [images of the unconscious]:

divine kings turned into stone statues
symbol of the Stone

The accentuation of matter is above all evident in the choice of the Stone as a God-image:

divine water as essence of creative power
spirit which is water

Spirit which is a water, or the water which is a spirit, is essentially a paradox, a pair of opposites like water and fire:

divine water had virtue of baptismal water
visions of Zosimos of Panopolis

I must make clear at once that the following observations on the visions of Zosimos of Panopolis, an important alchemist and Gnostic of the third century A.D., are not intended as a final explanation of this extraordinarily difficult material. My psychological contribution is no more than an attempt to shed a little light on it and to answer some of the questions raised by the visions:

divine water means the deus absconditus
visions of Zosimos of Panopolis

I must make clear at once that the following observations on the visions of Zosimos of Panopolis, an important alchemist and Gnostic of the third century A.D., are not intended as a final explanation of this extraordinarily difficult material. My psychological contribution is no more than an attempt to shed a little light on it and to answer some of the questions raised by the visions:

divine water possessed power of transformation
visions of Zosimos of Panopolis

I must make clear at once that the following observations on the visions of Zosimos of Panopolis, an important alchemist and Gnostic of the third century A.D., are not intended as a final explanation of this extraordinarily difficult material. My psychological contribution is no more than an attempt to shed a little light on it and to answer some of the questions raised by the visions:

divine water transforms nigredo into albedo
visions of Zosimos of Panopolis

I must make clear at once that the following observations on the visions of Zosimos of Panopolis, an important alchemist and Gnostic of the third century A.D., are not intended as a final explanation of this extraordinarily difficult material. My psychological contribution is no more than an attempt to shed a little light on it and to answer some of the questions raised by the visions:

divinity as attribute of the Stone
spiritual and fleshly man

Zosimos contrasts the body with the spiritual man:

Mercurius as his own divine consort
Mercurius / astrology / archons

The spirit Mercurius appears here in the role of a mystagogue, as in the Corpus Hermeticum or the visions of Zosimos:

Mercurius corresponds to Christian triune divinity
Mercurius as unity and trinity

In spite of his obvious duality the unity of Mercurius is also emphasized, especially in his form as the lapis. “In all the world he is One”:

Mercurius is the revealer of divine secrets
Mercurius and Hermes

As the divinus ternarius, Mercurius is the revealer of divine secrets, or in the form of gold is conceived to be the soul of the arcane substance (magnesia), or the fructifier of the philosophical tree:

subtle breath permeates things with divine power
spirit which is water

Spirit which is a water, or the water which is a spirit, is essentially a paradox, a pair of opposites like water and fire:

uroboros as symbol for divine water
visions of Zosimos of Panopolis

I must make clear at once that the following observations on the visions of Zosimos of Panopolis, an important alchemist and Gnostic of the third century A.D., are not intended as a final explanation of this extraordinarily difficult material. My psychological contribution is no more than an attempt to shed a little light on it and to answer some of the questions raised by the visions:

Cadmus received divine order to stop search
myth of Cadmus

The myth of Cadmus is a kinsman of the Pelasgian Hermes Ithyphallikos:

divine command not to regress to incest
myth of Cadmus

The myth of Cadmus is a kinsman of the Pelasgian Hermes Ithyphallikos:

divinity more evident further back in history
king as a superior personality

Because the king in general represents a superior personality exalted above the ordinary, he has become the carrier of a myth, that is to say, of the statements of the collective unconscious:

human figure elevated to king or divinity
transconscious aspect of opposites

The elevation of the human figure to a king or a divinity, and on the other hand its representation in subhuman, theriomorphic form, are indications of the transconscious character of the pairs of opposites. They do not belong to the ego-personality but are supraordinate to it. The ego-personality occupies an intermediate position, like the(soul placed between good and evil). The pairs of opposites constitute the phenomenology of the paradoxical Self, man's totality. That is why their symbolism makes use of cosmic expressions like coelum / terra. The intensity of the conflict is expressed in symbols like fire and water, height and depth, life and death

gift of daemonic power or divine spirit
development of personality

In somewhat free-handed fashion the last two lines of Goethe's stanza are often quoted: “The Highest bliss on earth shall be, The joys of personality!”:

diamond thunderbolt as symbol of divine energy
painting by a schizophrenic patient

Professor Jung: I am told that Dr. Bennet has brought some pictures by a patient. Will he be so kind as to show them:

unconscious as divine absolute in von Hartmann
depth psychology' as a term

“Depth psychology” is a term deriving from medical psychology, coined by Eugen Bleuler to denote that branch of psychological science which is concerned with the phenomenon of the unconscious:

ego steals divine qualities from gods
alchemical world view

For the alchemist, upper and lower and inner and outer were linked by hidden connections and identities (fig. 000.01) :

mysterious and divine laws of life

Sublimatio constitutes one of the seven major alchemical operations as distinguished by Edinger, each one a center of an elaborate symbol system making up the principle content of all culture-products. The author's cluster diagram (fig. 005.00) of sublimatio is shown below:

Christ roasted by fire of divine wrath

Mortificatio constitutes one of the seven major alchemical operations as distinguished by Edinger, each one a center of an elaborate symbol system making up the principle content of all culture-products. The author's cluster diagram (fig. 006.00) of mortificatio is shown below:
