metaphysical concepts

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Outside the narrower field of professional psychology these figures [of shadow, syzygy, Self] meet with understanding from all who have any knowledge of comparative mythology:



These figures have no difficulty in recognizing the shadow as the adverse representative of the dark chthonic world, a figure whose characteristics are universal

CW9.2 ¶ 64



The syzygy is immediately comprehensible as the psychic prototype of all divine couples

CW9.2 ¶ 64



Finally the Self, on account of its empirical peculiarities, proves to be the eidos behind the supreme ideas of unity and totality that are inherent in all monotheistic and monistic systems

CW9.2 ¶ 64



I regard these parallels [of Self, shadow, anima, animus] as important because it is possible, through them, to relate so-called metaphysical concepts, which have lost their root connection with natural experience, to living, universal psychic processes, so that they can recover their true and original meaning. In this way the connection is re-established between the ego and projected contents now formulated as “metaphysical” ideas

CW9.2 ¶ 65

Unfortunately, as already said, the fact that metaphysical ideas exist and are believed in does nothing to prove the actual existence of their content or of the object they refer to, although the coincidence of idea and reality in the form of a special psychic state, a state of grace, should not be deemed impossible, even if the subject cannot bring it about by an act of will

CW9.2 ¶ 65

Once metaphysical ideas have lost their capacity to recall and evoke the original experience they have not only become useless but prove to be actual impediments on the road to wider development

CW9.2 ¶ 65

One clings to possessions that have once meant wealth; and the more ineffective, incomprehensible, and lifeless they become the more obstinately people cling to them. (Naturally it is only sterile ideas that they cling to; living ideas have content and riches enough, so there is no need to cling to them.) Thus in the course of time the meaningful turns into the meaningless. This is unfortunately the fate of metaphysical ideas

CW9.2 ¶ 65
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