A Concordance by Thornton Ladd

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Gilgamesh and Enkidu slay the divine bull
Gilgamesh Epic

sunrise as a divine experience for primitive
mythical images

Mythical images reflect a fantastic, distorted form of the physical process, for example:

ideae principales `contained in divine understanding
derivation of the term archetype

The historical significance of the term `archetype' may be seen in the following:

grandiose conceptions of divinity in India
psychology as an empirical science

Why is psychology the youngest of the empirical sciences? Why have we not long since discovered the unconscious and raised up its treasure-house of eternal images?:

descent from human and divine parents
motif of the dual-mother

A motif exemplified by the following:

anima encountered in the divine syzygies
anima as archetype

The anima is an archetype of paramount practical importance for the psychotherapist:

godparents remind one of parent's divinity

The positive aspect of the first type of complex, namely the overdevelopment of the maternal instinct, is identical with that well-known image of the mother which has been glorified in all ages and all tongues, i.e., mother-love:

divine curiosity yearns to be born

Logos may be understood as the paternal principle where there is no consciousness without discrimination of the opposites. The Logos eternally struggles to extricate itself from the primal warmth and primal darkness of the maternal womb, i.e., from unconsciousness, hence:

moral splitting of divinity into two halves
reform of the Jewish concept of the Deity

The reform of the Jewish concept of the Deity is a Christian reformation resulting from the paradoxical behavior and moral ambivalence of the gods which scandalized people even in antiquity and gave rise to criticism that led finally to a devaluation of the Olympian gods:

presence' at Mass grants one divine grace
forms of rebirth

The first of the five aspects of rebirth to which I should like to draw attention is that of metempsychosis, or transmigration of souls:

initiate is deeply moved by divine drama
experience of the transcendence of life

The first of two main groups of transformation:

initiate takes part in divine drama
experience of the transcendence of life

The first of two main groups of transformation:

hero is `semi-divine
child god and young hero

Sometimes the “child” looks more like a child god, sometimes more like a young hero:

anima as banal mediocrity and Olympian divinity
Goddess Clad in Blue

An extract from a dream that speaks of the anima:

trickster as half animal and half divine
trickster figure: Part 1

It is no light task for me to write about the figure of the trickster in American Indian mythology within the confined space of a commentary:

trickster as a bestial and divine being
trickster figure: Part 2

Anyone who belongs to a sphere of culture that seeks the perfect state somewhere in the past must feel very queerly indeed when confronted by the figure of the trickster. He is a forerunner of the saviour, and, like him, God, man, and animal at once:

yogi in universal totality of divine state
mandala symbolism: 1

I first mentioned the mandala in 1929 in The Secret of the Golden Flower. For at least thirteen years I kept quiet about the results of these methods in order to avoid any suggestion. I wanted to assure myself that these thingsmandalas especiallyreally are produced spontaneously and were not suggested to the patient by my own fantasy. I was then able to convince myself, through my own studies, that mandalas were drawn, painted, carved in stone, and built, at all times and in all parts of the world, long before my patients discovered them:

astute enough to spot the divine trap

The etymology of the word “conscience” tells us that it is a special form of “knowledge” or “consciousness”:

dogma says Mary is only beatanot divine
Mary the mother of God

Blue is the colour of Mary's celestial cloak; she is the earth covered by the blue tent of the sky. But why should the Mother of God not be mentioned?

withdrawal of divine image ends in dissociation
modern mandala

If we apply the same method to the modern mandalas that people have seen in dreams or visions, or have developed through “active imagination,” we reach the conclusion that mandalas are expressions of a certain attitude which we cannot help calling “religious”:

withdrawal of divine image ends in inflation
modern mandala

If we apply the same method to the modern mandalas that people have seen in dreams or visions, or have developed through “active imagination,” we reach the conclusion that mandalas are expressions of a certain attitude which we cannot help calling “religious”:

tinctura as divine spirit extracted from chaos
religion as a predominant psychological condition

If I am right in supposing that every religion is a spontaneous expression of a certain predominant psychological condition, then Christianity was the formulation of a condition that predominated at the beginning of our era and lasted for several centuries:

divine water as the miraculous liquid
religion as a predominant psychological condition

If I am right in supposing that every religion is a spontaneous expression of a certain predominant psychological condition, then Christianity was the formulation of a condition that predominated at the beginning of our era and lasted for several centuries:

divine water gives spiritual rebirth to man
religion as a predominant psychological condition

If I am right in supposing that every religion is a spontaneous expression of a certain predominant psychological condition, then Christianity was the formulation of a condition that predominated at the beginning of our era and lasted for several centuries:

divine water is called sky or heaven
religion as a predominant psychological condition

If I am right in supposing that every religion is a spontaneous expression of a certain predominant psychological condition, then Christianity was the formulation of a condition that predominated at the beginning of our era and lasted for several centuries:
