3-14-22 Invite to Write!

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3-14-22 Invite to Write!

Here is the image for this month's Invite to Write!

Ekphrastic poetry has been in the news! Maybe some of you saw the recent interactive piece in the NY Times about one of the most famous Ekphrasis poems, the Musée des Beaux Arts by W. H. Auden. If you haven't had a chance yet, I recommend scrolling through this one. It's very cool.

Like Auden, we have the opportunity to study, gaze at and visit with works of art and see what they inspire. We hope this image will spark something in you!

We look forward to reading your poems! Please respond with them here on the Forum. Thank you!


The Mystery and Melancholy of a Street, by Giorgio de Chirico, oil on canvas, 1914, France.

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