Submitted by ARASAllison on
It is during the darkest and coldest time of the year that the stars shine most brilliantly in the night sky. The stars have always guided us and shown the way. Ancient seafarers navigated the seas with the help of the stars. Different stars arrive with the changing of the seasons. Psychologically, we can see the stars as flickering sparks of consciousness within the dark vastness of the unconscious psyche. In the words of Vincent van Gogh stars become prayer: ‘When I have a terrible need of — shall I say the word — religion. Then I go out and paint the stars.’
We hope you will be inspired to write a poem about your Star (or Stars) for this installment of the Poetry Portal. Please send your poem to by March 15, 2017.
We thank all of you who submitted a poem for the last Poetry Portal inspired by the image of Dragon. It is always delightful and deeply moving to read your poems and to share them with others. You can read the poems here.