Supporting ARAS
If you are passionate about ARAS and the universal connections that symbols allow us to make, we invite you to join our family of friends. There are many ways to help sustain our organization into the future. We appreciate your support!
Any gift given to ARAS is tax deductible to the furthest extent of the law. ARAS is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Our federal tax ID is 13-3204997.
You can make an online donation by clicking on Donate and filling out our donation form.
If you would like to send a check, please make it payable to ARAS and send it to:
28 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Please let us know if you would like your gift to support a specific project:
- ARAS Education/Pioneer Teens Program
- Archive Expansion/Improvement
- ARAS Online

Supporting ARAS is as easy as shopping on Amazon! Please go to aras.org and click on Amazon before you shop. From there, 6% of all purchases made will go to ARAS at no cost to you!
You can also go to smile.amazon.com and select ARAS (Archives for Research in Archetypal Symbolism, Inc.) as the organization you would like to support. AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to ARAS from then on.
Planned Giving
Including ARAS in your planned giving is a beautiful way to honor what has been important to you in your lifetime and to ensure its future after you are gone.
It’s easy.
Planned giving is simple to do and you don’t have to be wealthy to do it. There are many options including:
- Naming ARAS in your will
- Giving gifts of securities
- Giving gifts of retirement plan assets or life insurance
Naming ARAS in your will or estate plan
Including ARAS as a recipient of a percentage or specific dollar amount is easy to set up and can allow donors to make a large, impactful gifts while providing estate tax deductions that benefit their heirs. Here is some language that you can share with your attorney to add to your will:
“I [name], bequeath $_____ or _____% of my estate to the Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism, 28 East 39th Street, New York, NY 10016. Tax ID – 13-3204997”
We hope you’ll let us know when you have named ARAS in your will or trust so that we can properly thank you and include you in the ARAS Legacy Society.

Who should join our Legacy Society?
For people who want to create a legacy beyond their lifetime, our Legacy Society ensures donors that their charitable dollars are used in the way they intended. If you have made arrangements in your will, trust, or other deferred gift mechanism to make a gift to ARAS, you are already eligible to be a member of the Legacy Society.
What are the benefits of joining the Legacy Society?
Being a member of the Legacy Society gives you the opportunity to belong to a group of like-minded people who are committed to the power of symbolic thinking and would like to sustain ARAS into the future. Other benefits include:
• Recognition at events and on our website.
• The guidance of our staff to help you with your estate and gift planning.
• A personalized giving plan, as detailed or general as you’d like, to ensure your philanthropy will be meaningful to you.
How does the Legacy Society work?
• Establish – Donors can include a gift to ARAS in their will or trust, establishing a bequest.
• Notify – Donors notify ARAS of their plans using the Statement of Intent.
• Join – Once you have notified us, you will automatically become a member of the Legacy Society and will receive special recognition.
Giving gifts of securities
A gift of stock can be beneficial to both you and ARAS! You can avoid capital gains taxes and still deduct the full value of the asset from your income taxes.

Giving gifts of retirement plan assets or life insurance
Donating part or all of your unused retirement assets, such as your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension or other tax-deferred plan is a great way to contribute. Your retirement assets may be taxed if you leave them to your heirs. Non-profits are not taxed upon receiving retirement plan assets so this would be a productive use of this asset. To set this up, you will just need to fill in a beneficiary designation form that can be provided by your retirement plan manager.
Please let us know if you need help finding the appropriate person to help you with these options. Your own attorney, accountant or tax-advisor will be able to assist you best and will have the most up-to-date information about making charitable contributions in your state/country.
Thank you so much for considering ARAS. We hope you will join our family of friends and help us continue the great mission of ARAS into the future.