If you are having difficulty applying for membership, logging in, or using ARAS, here is how to contact us:
Email: |
Phone: | (212) 697-3480 |
Visit: |
28 East 39th Street between Madison Avenue and Park Avenue, New York City ARAS is currently closed due to construction on our building until further notice.
Post: | ARAS Web Support 28 East 39th Street New York City, NY 10016 |

Where Can I Visit the Archive?
While use of the archive over the Internet remains the most convenient, some ARAS locations can be visited during limited hours with some restrictions.
C.G. Jung Center / ARAS
28 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel (212) 697-3480
Fax (212) 682-2024
Kako Ueda, Curator
Allison Langerak Tuzo, Director
Benjamin Stevens, Communications and Education Coordinator
C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco / ARAS
2040 Gough Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Tel (415) 771-8055
Fax (415) 771-8926
Stacy Hassen, Curator
C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles / ARAS
10349 West Pico Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Tel (310) 556-1193
Fax (310) 556-2290
C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago
53 W. Jackson Blvd.
Suite 438
Chicago, IL 60604
Tel (312) 701-0400
Fax (312) 701-0403
Appointment required