Welcome to our Library’s catalogue of articles and online books. Below is a complete list of what is in our Library. To view the collections that are included within this list, please click on the Special Collections links to the left.
- Niki de Saint Phalle: a Psychological Approach to Her Artwork and the Symbolic Significance of the Tarot Garden
- The Myth of the Messenger
- "Indisputable Evidence that the Trip was Made" Ekphrastic Poetry and Autobiographical Fidelity
- "Intruders," "Animal Roots" and "Mother Earth": Tracking the Art Complex in the Work of Emily Carr
- "It Is not Art!" Jung's Red Book Paintings on the Background of Early Abstraction in Modern Art
- 12 sculptures inspired by Jungian archetypes. History. Ideas. Process.
- 2024 Pioneer Teens Info Sheet
- 2024 Presidency Conference
- A Brief History of the Creation of ARAS Online
- A Journey Through Symbols - Group
- A Journey Through Symbols - Individual
- A Lesson in Circulation: Spiritual Oases in the Concrete Jungle - Slides
- A Lesson in Circulation: Spiritual Oases in the Concrete Jungle - Text
- A look at The Dream and Its Amplification
- A Meditation on Albrecht Dürer’s Melencolia in a Time of Pandemic
- A National Conferenceon the Psychology of the 2016 Presidential Election: Politics, Culture and Soul
- A Picnic of Promise
- A Pictorial Guide to The Red Book
- A Portal to the Imaginal: Steve Coleman and the Mill Valley Throckmorton Theatre
- A Portrait of Harry Prochaska
- A Postscript to The Palette of Anselm Kiefer
- Abstract Photography: A Bridge to Imaginal Worlds
- Abstract Photography: A Bridge to Imaginal Worlds PowerPoint
- Act before Image—a polemical review of Warren Colman’s Act and Image
- Am I My Brother's Keeper? Collective AIDS trauma mirrored in the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco
- Amazonia, burning self: A Jungian approach to our ecological crisis
- Amelia: Images of Mystery The Transformation of Shadow in Women
- Amor and Psyche or The Journey
- Amplification of the Chariot
- Amplification: A Personal Narrative
- Amplification: The Dance
- Amplification: The Spiral
- An artistic embodiment of the transcendent function
- An excerpt from "The Snake and the Rope: A Jungian View of Hinduism"
- An Interview with Chester Arnold
- Ann Ulanov Paper - Eng
- Ann Ulanov Paper - English
- Ann Ulanov Paper - French
- Ann Ulanov Paper - Ukrainian
- Ann Ulanov Paper in Ukrainian
- Apocalypse Now: A Psychology of Conception in Lorenzo Lotto’s Annunciation of 1535
- ARAS Connections Contents
- ARAS Online Tutorial
- ARAS Teen Programs
- ARAS User Agreement
- ARAS: Archetypal Symbolism and Images
- Archetypal Defenses of the Group Spirit in Russia and Ukraine: The Axes of Destruction
- Art and Psyche in Sicily Call for Proposals
- Art in a Time of Global Crisis: Interconnection and Companionship PROMO
- Art, Love and Psyche
- Artist Statements and Artwork
- Author’s Reply to Sylvester Wojtkowski’s polemical review of Act and Image
- Ayni
- Beautiful Dreamer: Landscape and Memory
- Birds of Prophecy: Images from ARAS
- Blood and the Liquid "I" Carl Jung's Black Books
- Blum Digital Collection
- Book of Symbols Image Credits
- Book of Symbols Press Release
- Book of Symbols Preview
- Breaking of the Vessels: Destruction and Creation in the Art of Anselm Kiefer
- Call Images
- Candidate Studies
- Cannonballing into Tar
- Carter - Persian Translation
- Catastrophic Change: Cracked Social Containers and the Precarious Body Politic
- Chinese Avant-Garde Art: Body and Spirit Struggle for a New Cultural Identity
- Clinging to the Axis Mundi: The Poetry of Politics
- COLETTE, A Beautiful Dreamer, The Transformative Persona
- Comics, Antiheroes and Taboo: Reflections on the Edge of Pop Culture
- Constance Hamilton Jameson Bio
- Corruption and individuation: Is it possible?
- Cultural stories and media storytelling
- Declining divisions: Non-binary gender identities and American cultural consciousness
- Democracy and authoritarianism in the age of cyber-power
- Dionysus
- Dwelling Imaginally in Soulless Times, An Appreciation of the Work of James Hillman
- EDGES: Mountains, Forests, Creeks; Nature's Guide to Village Form
- Editor's Note to Volume I of the Encyclopedia of Archetypal Images
- Editorial Note to Volume II of the Encyclopedia of Archetypal Images
- Ekphrazein I - The Sun
- Ekphrazein II - The Map
- Ekphrazein II - The Map - Video
- Ekphrazein V:The Mirror
- Ekphrazein: A Meeting of Poetry and Image Program
- Ekphrazein: Interpretations through Poetry, Video and Sound Program
- Exploration of "Masks" from Personal to Archetypal Levels
- Expressive Sandwork with children in areas of conflict: ‘Oh … in silence… when there’s silence outside, we can hear the voices that speak inside.’
- Federico Fellini and the Giantess-- Individuation of the Monster
- FershtmanQandAResponses
- Following Bronze-Age Migrations
- Following Seeker: Landscape, Music, Myth and Transformation
- French Translation
- Full Program Descriptions and Bios
- Gaia
- Gaia: Then and Now - Season One
- Goddesses in Pre-Patriarchal Culture Transcript
- Graphic Novel: The Long Weekend in Alice Springs - Part 1
- Graphic Novel: The Long Weekend in Alice Springs - Part 2
- Graphic Novel: The Long Weekend in Alice Springs - Part 3
- Guest Speaker
- Halos in Medieval and Renaissance Italian Art
- Hermeneutic Ideals, Traumatic Realities – Can We Cross the Divide to Meet One Another?
- Hope and dread in the two Koreas: Understanding North Korea as a shadow of free capitalistic societies
- How the Narcissistic and Demonic Power of the Media can be countered by Jungian Arts-based Research
- Illuminated Imagination
- Illuminating Parallels in the Life and Art of Hilma af Klint and C.G. Jung
- Images of the Divine Child
- In the Footsteps: The Story of an Initiatory Drawing by Dr. Joseph Henderson
- Inspiriting Body/Embodying Spirit: The Art of Kiki Smith
- Interview with Ami Ronnberg
- Interview with Jeff Levinsky
- Interview with Karen Arm, Assistant Curator of ARAS New York
- Interview: Ami Ronnberg – curator of ARAS and editor-inchief of Taschen’s Book of Symbols
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction / Using ARAS: The Symbolism of the Cross
- Introduction of Bill Bradley
- Introduction to The Body
- Introduction to the Kore: Story/Persephone's Dog
- Invitation to participate in the ARAS Image and Cultural Complex Research Project
- Jan van Eyck’s Mystic Lamb
- January 8 Q and A
- January 9 Q and A
- Joseph L. Henderson, M.D., 1903-2007
- Jung's "Art Complex"
- Labyrinth of the Shadow: History and Alchemy in Adolph Gottlieb's The Prisoners
- Le Genre à l’Oeuvre
- Lists Feature Tutorial
- Living Light: A Video with Mary Conover
- Living on the Edge of the Apocalypse: What ISIS, the Christian Right, and Climate Change Deniers Have in Common
- Living people - Living language - Living symbol
- Making the Invisible Visible: A Brief Exploration of the Human Psyche through Pre-Columbian Art
- Mandala: The Perfect Circle
- Martha's Mandala
- Martha's Mandala Review
- Millie’s COVID Fever Dreamscapes
- Mind of State Podcast Curriculum
- Missing French Translation
- More Research from ARAS: The World Tree
- Movement Workshop: Moving the Political Body toward Consciousness
- Native American Poetry & Invocation: ‘Calling Down the Mother’
- Nebuchadnezzar’s psychosis: Man-made ecological disaster and its possible cultural healing
- News from ARAS' Upcoming Book
- Newsletter Index
- Nonsecular Non sequitur
- Olena Brante Transcript
- Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn (1881–1962): A Woman’s Individuation Process through Images at the Origins of the Eranos Conferences
- On Articulating Affective States Through Image-Making in Analysis
- On Aspects of Beauty in C.G. Jung's Red Book
- On Creation Myths
- On Making a film of THE MYSTIC LAMB by Jan van Eyck
- On the Rosarium Philosophorum
- On the Rosarium Philosophorum
- On the Splendor Solis: A Summary of Joseph L. Henderson’s presentation entitled “The Splendor Solis.”
- Penny Dinsmore Event
- Permeability
- Persephone's Dog: A Photo Essay
- Persephone's Dog: A Photo Essay
- Phantomatic forces in our political and institutional lives
- Pictorial Space throughout Art History: Cézanne and Hofmann
- Pictures from the Unconscious
- Planned Giving Statement of Intent
- Poetry Portal 1 - Offering
- Poetry Portal 10 - Door
- Poetry Portal 11 - Circus Rider
- Poetry Portal 12 - Unknown Road
- Poetry Portal 13 - Veil
- Poetry Portal 14 - Wings
- Poetry Portal 15 - Speech
- Poetry Portal 16 - Window
- Poetry Portal 17 - Dragon
- Poetry Portal 18 - Starry Night
- Poetry Portal 2 - Renewal
- Poetry Portal 3 - Blessing the Boats
- Poetry Portal 4 - Cliffwalk at Pourville
- Poetry Portal 5 - The Sarcophagus Hall of Ramses VI
- Poetry Portal 6 - The Census at Bethlehem
- Poetry Portal 7 - Untitled (Stars no.1)
- Poetry Portal 8 - Bird
- Poetry Portal 9 - Grand Canyon, Arizona
- Politics, Character, and the Socially Mediated Candidate
- Politics, Culture and Soul Flier
- Preface to Volume I of the Encyclopedia of Archetypal Images
- Preface to Volume II of the Encyclopedia of Archetypal Images
- Presidential Elections and Cultural Complexes
- Psychotherapy and Politics: A Charter for the Future
- Pussy Hat Project
- RED: amplification of a color
- Reflection Groups and Conference Recap
- Reflections on Bidirectionality of Influence in the Matisse/Picasso Relationship and in Clinical Practice from a Dynamic Systems Perspective
- Reflections on Hate in the Recent Election and in the American Psyche: How Do We Become Emotionally Literate
- Reflections on Mediating the Analytic Process as Imaged in the Mermaid
- Remedios Varo: Her Spiral Journey
- Response to Andrew Samuels and Betty Sue Flowers
- Return of Gaia Transcript
- Sacred Deities of Ancient Egypt: A Pantheon of Paradoxes
- Sacred Deities of Ancient Egypt: Ferocity and the Feminine & Moon and Earth as Expressions of the Divine Masculine
- Saffron Offering and Blood Sacrifice: Transformation Mysteries in Jungian Analysis
- Sample Entry - American Progress by John Gast
- Self-Portraits
- Shevchecnko Transcript
- Shield of Achilles
- So, What Did You Expect? Personal and Depth Psychological Issues in Elections
- Social Dreaming Matrix
- Sprinkle Salt on the Earth and Watch it Spin
- Stumble Stones: Mourning and Memory - The Cultural Complex, A Testimony
- Teen Programs at ARAS
- The 7th Circle: Racism, illusion and political violence
- The Abstract Unconscious
- The Abstract Unconscious in Painting
- The activism of the heart: Jungian practice when violence, racism and ancestral wounds prevail
- The Archetypal Power of Images in Videogaming
- The Archetype of the Trickster in U.S. Electoral Politics: The Voting Rights Act (1965) and Voter Suppression Yesterday and Today
- The Ark: The Psyche's Response to Disaster
- The Ark: The Psyche's Response to Disaster - Ukrainian
- The Basel painting in the Jung Family Collection
- The Blue Butterfly I Frequently Send
- The Book of Job: Encountering Inner Multiplicity
- The Cat and its Relationship with the Feminine
- The Circle and the Wheel and the Sundoor
- The Cultural Complex
- The Cultural Complex and Archetypal Defenses of the Collective Spirit: Baby Zeus, Elian Gonzales, Constantine's Sword, and Other Holy Wars
- The danger of splitting - the importance of integration
- The divided sky: War and wisdom
- The Flood: Using ARAS to Illuminate the Imagination
- The Healing Space of my Office: Analysis as Performance Art
- The Image of Crucifixion: An Exploration of the Relationship of Jewish Artist s to the Passion of Christ
- The Language of the Fishes
- The Leslie Street Spit Project: A five year journey tracking the creative instinct
- The Making of The Book of Symbols
- The Mandala as Portal to Healing
- The Mandala in Tibetan Buddhism
- The march from Selma to Montgomery and the nonviolent movement in analysis
- The Mirror of Art: Reflections on Transference and the Gaze of the Picture
- The Muse of the Promised Land
- The Mythopoetic Imagination and the Creative Unconscious in Uncertain and Dystopian Times
- The Native American Sense of the Sacred: The Tipi as a Collective Transformational Vessel
- The Palette of Anselm Kiefer: Witnessing our Imperiled World
- The Patasola: archetypal roots of the feminine identity in exile in a Colombian myth
- The Purpose of Amplification
- The Racial Shadow of American Politics
- The Red Book: First Impressions
- The Serpent and the Cross: Healing the Split through Active Imagination
- The Shadow Side of the City in the Work of the Soul: Refuse as Resource, Rejects as Raw Material
- The Sound that the Looking-Glass Makes
- The Spiracle in Art and Alchemy
- The State of Our Country
- The Story of the Three Women Who Created ARAS
- The Superhero and the Villain
- The Visible and the Invisible in Art: the Secret Space of the Image
- The White Rabbit: Sacred and Subversive
- The Women's March on Washington: Pink Pussyhats - Enantiodromia
- The Wrath of Kali
- Thinking Through Gaia, Anthropocene and Art Transcript
- Towards collective psychosis - why new technologies are making the world a worse place
- Trump Isn’t Fun and Neither Is Paradigm Shift: Where Are We Headed?!
- Unconscious Forces Shaping International Conflicts: Archetypal Defenses of the Group Spirit from Revolutionary America to Confrontation in the Middle East
- Violence and metamorphosis in the chrysalis of nationalism: Transformation’s necessary unmaking
- Visions of Christiana Morgan: What was left out of Jung’s ‘Visions Seminars’
- Welcome
- Western democracy and the necessity of the ‘illegal traveller’
- What's the Matter with Mother?
- Why ARAS?
- Women's March Photos
- Wrestling with Azazel--Jung and Modern Art, A Critical Appraisal
- Writing Stories in Time: The Unfolding of the Objective Biography in Life and Work
- Written in the Flesh: The Transformational Magic of the Tattoo
- Yes - there are slave owners in the family: a narrative exploration of the implications of this
- Zombies: A Brief Natural History