The Wrath of Kali


  1. Coomaraswamy, The Dance of Shiva, p. 69
  2. Zimmer, Myth and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization, p. 152-3
  3. Coomarswamy, op. cit, p. 73
  4. Daniélou, Hindu Polytheism, p. 191
  5. Daniélou, Shiva and Dionysus, p. 76
  6. Mookerjee, Kali, p. 8
  7. ibid., p. 62
  8. ibid., p. 61
  9. Daniélou, Hindu Polytheism, p. 78
  10. Jordan, "Burning All Illusions Tonight," The San Francisco Bay Guardian, May 6, 1992, p. 15
  11. Taylor, "The Hardest Job in America," The San Francisco Bay Guardian, May 6, 1992, p. 17
  12. Daniélou, While the Gods Play, p. 214
  13. ibid., p. 212
  14. ibid., p. 216
  15. ibid., p. 217
  16. ibid., p. 222
  17. Jordan, op.cit., p. 20
  18. The word "sacrifice" derives from sacer, sacred and facere, to make; hence to sacrifice is to make sacred.
