extraverted feeling

The valuations resulting from the act of feeling either correspond directly with objective values or accord with traditional and generally accepted standards. This kind of feeling is very largely responsible for the fact that so many people flock to the theater or to concerts, or go to church, and do so moreover with their feelings correctly adjusted. Fashions, too, owe their whole existence to it, and, what is far more valuable, the positive support of social, philanthropic and other such cultural institutions. In these matters extraverted feeling proves itself a creative factor. Without it, a harmonious social life would be impossible



One can feel “correctly” only when feeling is not disturbed by anything else. Nothing disturbs feeling so much as thinking. It is therefore understandable that in this type [extraverted feeling] thinking will be kept in abeyance as much as possible. This does not mean that the woman does not think at all; on the contrary, she may think a great deal and very cleverly, but her thinking is never sui generis [of its own kind]it is an Epimethean appendage to her feeling. What she cannot feel, she cannot consciously think. “But I can't think what I don't feel,” such a type said to me once in indignant tones. So far as her feeling allows, she can think very well, but every conclusion, however logical, that might lead to a disturbance of feeling is rejected at the outset. It is simply not thought. Thus everything that fits in with the objective values is good, and is loved, and everything else seems to her to exist in a world apart

CW6 ¶ 598



In precisely the same way as extraverted thinking strives to rid itself of subjective influences, extraverted feeling has to undergo a process of differentiation before it is finally denuded of every subjective trimming

CW6 ¶ 596

Over-extraverted feeling satisfies aesthetic expectations, but does not speak to the heart. It appeals merely to the senses orworse stillonly to reason. It can provide the aesthetic padding for a situation, but there it stops, and beyond that its effect is nil. It has become sterile

CW6 ¶ 596



As feeling is undeniably a more obvious characteristic of feminine psychology than thinking, the most pronounced feeling types are to be found among women. When extraverted feeling predominates we speak of an extraverted feeling type. Examples of this type that I can call to mind are, almost without exception, women. The woman of this type follows her feeling as a guide throughout life. As a result of upbringing her feeling has developed into an adjusted function subject to conscious control. Except in extreme cases, her feeling has a personal quality, even though she may have repressed the subjective factor to a large extent

CW6 ¶ 597



Her [extraverted feeling type] personality appears adjusted in relation to external conditions. Her feelings harmonize with objective situations and general values. This is seen nowhere more clearly than in her love choice: the “suitable” man is loved, and no one else; he is suitable not because he appeals to her hidden subjective natureabout which she usually knows nothingbut because he comes up to all reasonable expectations in the matter of age, position, income, size and respectability of his family, etc.

CW6 ¶ 597



Accordingly the unconscious of this type [extraverted feeling] contains first and foremost a peculiar kind of thinking, a thinking that is infantile, archaic, negative. So long as the conscious feeling preserves its personal quality, or, to put it another way, so long as the personality is not swallowed up in successive states of feeling, this unconscious thinking remains compensatory. But as soon as their personality is dissociated and dissolves into a succession of contradictory feeling states, the identity of the ego is lost and the subject lapses into the unconscious

CW6 ¶ 600

When this happens, it [the ego] gets associated with the unconscious thinking processes and occasionally helps them to the surface. The stronger the conscious feeling is and the more ego-less it becomes, the stronger grows the unconscious opposition. The unconscious thoughts gravitate round just the most valued objects and mercilessly strip them of their value

CW6 ¶ 600

The “nothing but” type of thinking comes into its own here, since it effectively depotentiates all feelings that are bound to the object. The unconscious thinking reaches the surface in the form of obsessive ideas which are invariably of a negative and depreciatory character

CW6 ¶ 600

Women of this type have moments when the most hideous thoughts fasten on the very objects most valued by their feelings. This negative thinking utilizes every infantile prejudice or comparison for the deliberate purpose of casting aspersions on the feeling value, and musters every primitive instinct in the attempt to come out with “nothing but” interpretations.Hysteria, with the characteristic infantile sexuality of its unconscious world of ideas, is the principal form of neurosis in this type

CW6 ¶ 600



Men of the extraverted feeling type are often found functioning successfully in the ministry, in psychology, and in the arts, but in most other walks of life they are under a severe handicap. A man is commonly supposed to be a thinking creature, and it is difficult for him to maintain his masculinity against this social prejudice. He may have the ability to think, but only at such times as his thinking is supported by his feeling

SGD ¶ 0



When extraverted feeling becomes exaggerated, the unconscious, subjective, egotistical attitude slips in and renders the feeling function untrustworthy, cold, and materialistic. At its worst it causes the individual to become vicious, to put other people in a bad light while managing to appear blameless and even worthy

SGD ¶ 0