A Concordance by Thornton Ladd

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Freud barricades paths that could lead to true sublimatio
Hermann Hesse (9-18-1934)


sublimatio is not a forcible channeling of instinct
Hermann Hesse (9-18-1934)


Step 4: calcinatio, solutio, sublimatio, coagulatio
Emerald Tablet of Hermes (Tabula smaragdina)

This very succinct recipe for the Philosophers' Stonewhich is what the Emerald Tablet is all aboutis probably the most sacred alchemical scripture that exists. It is really a summary of the individuation process and at the same time has its alchemical referents and I'd suggest you paste it in your copy of Mysterium because it belongs with it:

Calcinatio, Solutio, Coagulatio, Sublimatio
alchemical operations

Alchemical operational procedures provide us a way to understand alchemy:

concepts and abstractions as agents of sublimatio

Coagulatio constitutes one of the seven major alchemical operations as distinguished by Edinger, each one a center of an elaborate symbol system making up the principle content of all culture-products. The author's cluster diagram (fig. 004.00) of coagulatio is shown below:

sublimation has nothing to do with sublimatio
Freudian theory of sublimation

A theory which has nothing to do with the symbolism of the alchemical sublimatio. According to Hinsie and Campbell's Psychiatric Dictionary, the term “sublimation” as used in psychoanalysis is defined as, “the process of modifying an instinctual impulse in such a way as to conform to the demands of society. Sublimation is a substitute activity which gives some measure of gratification to the infantile impulse which has been repudiated in its original form.Unlike the usual defenses, in sublimation the ego is not acting in opposition to the id; on the contrary, it is helping the id to gain external expression. Sublimation, in other words, does not involve repression” ( Psychiatric Dictionary, pp. 699f. )

new Christian spirit as spirit of sublimatio
translation to eternity

The origin of the symbolism of translation to eternity is probably Egypt:

sublimatio / coagulatio are alternately repeated

When upward movement [sublimatio] is combined with descending movement [coagulatio or incarnation], we get another alchemical process, namely circulatio:

true sublimatio is opposite of Freud's sublimation
Hermann Hesse (9-18-1934)


sublimatio of the combined soul and spirit
threefold coniunctio

The essence of the three stages of the coniunctio are as follows:

sublimatio as the air operation

Calcinatio constitutes one of seven major alchemical operations as distinguished by Edinger, each one a center of an elaborate symbol system making up the principle content of all culture-products. The author's cluster diagram (fig. 002.00) of calcinatio is shown below:

sublimatio is a great mystery
Hermann Hesse (9-18-1934)


sublimatio is an alchymical transformation
Hermann Hesse (9-18-1934)


medieval man sought complete sublimatio
peregrinatio of Michael Maier

Jung deals with a text by Michael Maier which also has the Red Sea as a major image. This is what I call the Peregrinatio textI want to condense and summarize Maier's Peregrinatio text for you:

Hercules' sublimatio and divinity
work of redemption

Now, all these myth pictures represent a drama of the human psyche on the further side of consciousness, showing man as both the one to be redeemed and the redeemer. The first formulation is Christian, the second alchemical:

sublimatio symbolism
Quaternio: Fourfold

Chapter 14 of Aion continues with the series of quaternity images from the Gnostic texts. We have previously considered four quaternities:

a way of dealing with a concrete problem

Sublimatio constitutes one of the seven major alchemical operations as distinguished by Edinger, each one a center of an elaborate symbol system making up the principle content of all culture-products. The author's cluster diagram (fig. 005.00) of sublimatio is shown below:

aerial view

Sublimatio constitutes one of the seven major alchemical operations as distinguished by Edinger, each one a center of an elaborate symbol system making up the principle content of all culture-products. The author's cluster diagram (fig. 005.00) of sublimatio is shown below:

alleviation of performance anxiety of a priest

Sublimatio constitutes one of the seven major alchemical operations as distinguished by Edinger, each one a center of an elaborate symbol system making up the principle content of all culture-products. The author's cluster diagram (fig. 005.00) of sublimatio is shown below:

ascending movement

Sublimatio constitutes one of the seven major alchemical operations as distinguished by Edinger, each one a center of an elaborate symbol system making up the principle content of all culture-products. The author's cluster diagram (fig. 005.00) of sublimatio is shown below:

body `made perfect' by spiritualizing it

Sublimatio constitutes one of the seven major alchemical operations as distinguished by Edinger, each one a center of an elaborate symbol system making up the principle content of all culture-products. The author's cluster diagram (fig. 005.00) of sublimatio is shown below:

body made spiritual

Sublimatio constitutes one of the seven major alchemical operations as distinguished by Edinger, each one a center of an elaborate symbol system making up the principle content of all culture-products. The author's cluster diagram (fig. 005.00) of sublimatio is shown below:

earth transformed into air

Sublimatio constitutes one of the seven major alchemical operations as distinguished by Edinger, each one a center of an elaborate symbol system making up the principle content of all culture-products. The author's cluster diagram (fig. 005.00) of sublimatio is shown below:

find suitable words or concepts for a psychic state

Sublimatio constitutes one of the seven major alchemical operations as distinguished by Edinger, each one a center of an elaborate symbol system making up the principle content of all culture-products. The author's cluster diagram (fig. 005.00) of sublimatio is shown below:

high rather than low

Sublimatio constitutes one of the seven major alchemical operations as distinguished by Edinger, each one a center of an elaborate symbol system making up the principle content of all culture-products. The author's cluster diagram (fig. 005.00) of sublimatio is shown below:
