Webinar 16 - Murray Stein and Ursula Wirtz
English version:
Ukrainian version:
Webinar 16 Slideshow:
Webinar 15 - Ursula Wirtz and Victoria Demchenko
English version:
Please click here for the video of Butoh dance mentioned by Ursula Wirtz.
Please click here for the "20 Days in Mariupol" Documentary film, and here for the documentary film "Intercepted" (In Intercepted, sound and image stare each other in the face as Oksana Karpovych contrasts quiet compositions of everyday life of Ukrainians since the full-scale invasion with intercepted phone conversations between Russian soldiers and their families).
Ukrainian version:
Будь ласка, натисніть тут , щоб переглянути відео танцю буто, про який згадувала Урсула Віртц.
Документальний фільм "20 днів у Маріуполі" можна переглянути тут , а документальний фільм "Перехоплено." - тут (У фільмі "Перехоплене" звук і зображення дивляться одне одному в обличчя, оскільки Оксана Карпович протиставляє тихі композиції повсякденного життя українців після повномасштабного вторгнення перехоплені телефонні розмови між російськими солдатами та їхніми сім'ями.)
Chinese version:
请点击此处 观看 Ursula Wirtz 提到的 Butoh dance 视频。
请点击此处 观看纪录片 "马里乌波尔的 20 天",并点击此处观看纪录片 "被拦截"。(在《拦截》中,奥克萨娜-卡尔波维奇(Oksana Karpovych)将全面入侵以来乌克兰人日常生活的静谧画面与截获的俄罗斯士兵及其家人之间的电话对话形成鲜明对比,声音与图像相互对峙.)
Webinar 14 - George Hogenson and Anna Mitsuk
English version:
If you wish to watch the video mentioned by George Hogenson toward the end of his presentation, please click here.
Ukrainian version:
Якщо ви бажаєте переглянути відео, про яке Джордж Хогенсон згадав наприкінці своєї презентації, будь ласка, натисніть тут.
Chinese version:
Webinar 13 - Katerina Sarafidou and Yurij Danko
English version:
The #WUJ team would like to extend a special thank you to the artist Mr. Oleg Shuplyak for kindly allowing #WUJ to use his work in the slide show shown ahead of the 13th webinar of the #WUJ Series. Please note, this work or any reproduction of it whether partial or whole, cannot be used for any commercial purposes.
Unfortunately, there is no interpretation in Chinese for this webinar as our volunteer interpreters were not available. We hope to have Chinese interpretation next month for the 14th Webinar.
Ukrainian version:
Команда #WUJ висловлює особливу подяку художнику Олегу Шупляку за те, що він люб'язно дозволив #WUJ використати його роботу у слайд-шоу, яке було показано перед 13-м вебінаром із серії #WUJ. Будь ласка, зверніть увагу, що вона не може бути використана в комерційних цілях
Webinar 13 Slideshow:
The #WUJ team would like to extend a special thank you to the artist Mr. Oleg Shuplyak for kindly allowing #WUJ to use his work in the slide show shown ahead of the 13th webinar of the #WUJ Series. Please note, this work or any reproduction of it whether partial or whole, cannot be used for any commercial purposes.
Webinar 12 - Tom Singer and Daria Kunchenko
English version:
Ukrainian version:
Chinese version:
Webinar 12 Slideshow:
Webinar 11 - Ann Ulanov
English version:
If you wish to read the paper by Ann Ulanov in English, entitled "Speaking to the Unspeakable", please click here.
Si vous souhaitez lire la presentation d'Ann Ulanov en francais, "Dire a l'indicible", veuillez cliquez ici.
Ukrainian version:
Якщо ви бажаєте прочитати статтю Анни Уланової англійською мовою під назвою "У відповідь на війну між Ізраїлем і Палестиною та війну, що триває в Україні", будь ласка, натисніть тут
Chinese version:
Webinar 11 Slideshow:
Webinar 10 - Renos Papadapoulos & Larysa Kozyr
English version:
Ukrainian version:
Chinese version:
Webinar 10 Slideshow:
Webinar 9 - Verena Kast & Olga Kasianenko
English version:
Ukrainian version:
Chinese version:
Webinar 9 Slideshow:
Webinar 8 - Donald Kalsched with Oxana Zalesky, Dmytro Zalesky and Olena Brante
English version:
Ukrainian version:
Transcript - Traditional Chinese translation
Transcript - Simplified Chinese translation
Webinar 7 - Ann Shearer & Viktoriya Roslik - Perseus: A Myth for our times
English version:
Ukrainian version:
Webinar 6 - Susan Schwartz and Elena Liulina - The Effect of Absent Fathers: Father Desire, Father Wounds
English version:
Ukrainian version:
Webinar 5 - Murray Stein and Serhiy Teklyuk with Diane Stanley - Answer to Evil - A Dream for our Time
English version:
Ukrainian version:
Webinar 4 - Lionel Corbett & Olena Pozdieieva - Jung's notion of the Self: An emerging new God-image
English version:
Українська версія / Ukrainian version:
Slideshow that was played at the beginning of the webinar on themes of Easter, Spring and Rebirth.
Webinar 3 - Marian Dunlea and Olena Brante - "BodyDreaming - aligning with the body and psyche's inherent organic capacity for Self-regulation."
English version:
There was an issue with the sound quality of one of the Ukrainian interpreters. You may read the text of Olena Brante’s talk here.
Українська версія / Ukrainian version:
Click here to view AMA - a short film by Julie Gautier which was shown at the beginning of the webinar
Click here to view the video that was played by Olena Brante during her talk
Webinar 2 - Sonu Shamdasani and Svitlana Shevchenko - Jung's New Cure of Souls
English version:
Unfortunately a short section of the translation of Svitlana Shevchenko’s presentation is missing at the beginning. The missing words are:
"Hello, I am glad to see you all at this event. At the moment, I am trying to understand the incomprehensible - the war. That's why I read a lot of literature on this topic, explore it in myself and in my clients. And so I would like to start with a quote from James Hillman's book A Terrible Love Affair with War. If we want the horrors of war to disappear, if we want life to go on, we need to understand and imagine it. We humans are a privileged species in terms of understanding.
Click here for a full transcript of Svitlana Shevchenko's presentation.
Українська версія / Ukrainian version:
Click below for additional translated versions of the webinar:
With Traditional Chinese Subtitles
French - Apologies but there was a difficulty in the interpreter handover, which means there is a section of interpretation into French missing from the recording. Please click here for a transcript of this section.
Film - Film played by Svitlana Shevchenko during the webinar.
Slideshow - This is a slideshow of images and music sent in from our Ukrainian colleagues that was created to mark the first anniversary of the war. It was played before the second webinar in the #WithUkrainianJungians series.
Webinar 1 - Joe Cambray and Inna Kyryliuk - Synchronicity and Trauma
English version:
Ukrainian version:
Click below for additional translated versions of the webinar: