Explore the richness of human creativity, cultural meaning, image and psyche with our Special Collections:
Art and Psyche
This collection examines the intricate relationship between artistic expression and the human psyche. Through thoughtful articles and reflections, it delves into how art serves as a mirror for our inner worlds, offering healing, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of the unconscious.
Image and Cultural Complex Research
Many artists create images that reflect the social, political, and religious conflicts of their times--and these conflicts are often the expression of cultural complexes in the collective psyche. This collection explores how images shape our identities, beliefs, and societal dynamics.
Articles on Art
This collection is dedicated to the gathering of some of the very finest articles on art viewed from the depths of psyche and the breath of imagination.
Blum Digital Collection
A digital archive of dream images and symbolic representations from a 35 year period in the life of David Blum, distinguished musician and writer.
Poetry Portal: Ekphrastic Writings in Response to the Image Archive
Immerse yourself in a dynamic dialogue between words and images. This collection features poetic responses to ARAS's image archive.
Art in a Time of Crisis
Explore how art serves as a beacon of resilience and a voice of reflection during challenging times. On this page you will find the daily postings from between April 13th and June 22nd of 2020 that created a web of interconnectedness during the global upheaval that was caused by the COVID pandemic.
WUJ Gallery
A curated virtual gallery images that arose in response to the #WithUkrainianJungians webinar series.
Each collection is an invitation to delve into the profound connections between art, culture, and psychology, offering a space to reflect, learn, and be inspired.