Art and Psyche

Discover the profound connection between art and the human psyche in this thoughtfully curated special collection. Explore articles that delve into the intersection of creativity, psychology, and the emotional depth of artistic expression, offering fresh perspectives and inspiration.

Art and Psyche: Conference IV Illuminated Imagination, 2019

Art and Psyche, Sicily, 2015

Art and Psyche in Sicily, Layers and Liminality, held in Siracusa, Sicily in 2015 was an international conference including papers, art events and experiential workshops exploring depth psychology from a cross-cultural perspective.

Art and Psyche in the City, 2012

Art and Psyche in the City, 2012, held in New York City, was a multinational conference exploring the interface of the arts, psychology and city life featuring presentations by painters, musicians, poets, actors, photographers, psychotherapists, analysts and expressive arts therapists.

Items in this Collection

Art and Psyche, 2008

Art and Psyche, 2008, held in San Francisco, revolved around the mutual influence of the visual arts and psychoanalysis, especially Jungian analysis.  At the conference, members of the analytic/psychotherapy and art/art history communities explored Jungian-inspired notions of psyche and its visual representations as it manifests in artistic expressions emergent both in the studio and in the consulting room.  Common to all was the centrality of image.   We are pleased to present a growing collection of papers from the conference.

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