WUJ Gallery

Welcome to #WUJ Gallery. Here we are collecting images that have arisen in response to the #WithUkrainianJungians webinar series.

October 25, 2023

Erotic Passion of Life dampened with Grief of Death


Submission from Adelina Wong, China
with webinar #9 " Coping with Grief"

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Jo Jo

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: A Chinese woman in grief of death of her husband, collectively with all women who lost husbands and sons in the wars between two nations: Ukraine vs. Russia; and Israel vs. Palestine.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Eros in life was dampened in grief of death. Painter commented on the dripping of the water below the dress as her tears in pain. This was the last portion of her painting.

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 2020-present

October 17, 2023

The Weeping Woman


Submission from Adelina Wong, China
With the coming webinar # 9, "Coping with Grief"

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Jo Jo

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: War and Conflict between two factions: Israeli and Palestine

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: The weeping feminine: As the war and suppression go on, the anima is being traumatized. She is full of tears in sadness, and will be in pain continuously.

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: March 2020-present

September 5, 2023



Submission from Olena Skala, Ukraine

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Olena Skala

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Russia Ukraine war

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: war as destruction and subsequent revival; descent into hell; fertilization, watering, flowering and development; death and life

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: February-March 2022

Comment/коментар: I invite you to a sensual journey through this picture through the stages that I experienced while painting it. I invite you to follow those symbols and archetypes that were unconsciously embodied in oil on canvas, releasing my feelings. This work has become a container for my indescribable and unbearable feelings that have overwhelmed me since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
For the first few weeks, I experienced a state of psychological shock, although, I believe, it was not visible on the outside. I also continued with my current life, which included hiding in a bomb shelter with my two sons while constant permanent long air sirens. I couldn't even cry. Every day I intuitively lit dozens of candles in my room. Their fire and light became a symbol of light in the darkness for me, a symbol of memory and honoring those who were mercilessly taken away by war.
After a period of about three weeks of living in this state, I suddenly felt a desire to paint. With no particular idea, just to paint in red and black. I conditionally divided the canvas into two horizontal parts, and painted the lower one in black, and the upper one in red. Black is the land, the fertile black soil of Ukraine. Black – is pain, sadness, sorrow. Death and grief. War.
Red is blood, life, sun. The bloody sky hanging over Ukraine. I mixed red with black. Human blood on fertile Ukrainian soil. Red - life and acute pain. War.
When I finished, I looked at the painting. It resembled a red sunset over a black plowed field. It resembled the battle flag of Ukraine. Red and black. When blood falls on the yellow-blue flag of Ukraine, it becomes red and black.
I kept this picture and looked at it for two weeks. Then I wanted to paint in yellow. I drew a yellow sun rising on the horizon between the red sky and the black earth. The yellow sun of new hope soothed and inspired. Later, I found another symbol in this yellow - the corpus luteum, which is formed in the uterus of a woman, and whose task is to prepare and support the pregnancy until the placenta matures. Yellow is a symbol of the birth of a new life.
Then I wanted to add gold. I took a golden patal and began to outline the black color with gold. Gold as a symbol of value, self, holiness. Symbol of treasure. I went intuitively without an idea to draw something specific and a golden boat was drawn by itself. Looking at what was drawn, I thought about Kharon's boat, which ferries the souls of the dead. A golden boat with a yellow half-sun formed an eye in my painting. This eye reminded me of the eye of Ra - one of his duties is to help the dead in the afterlife, and this eye is also a symbol of divine order. I added a golden pupil and golden tears that the eye cries.
At this stage of painting the picture, I was able to cry. Thanks to this picture, I got out of the state of shock and freezing. I began to draw in blue tears falling on the ground from above. Whether it is the rain that washes the earth, washes away the blood, cleanses and fills the moist, life-bearing earth. Revitalizes. Waters. Tears that release pain and mourn losses. Tears are a symbol of a living soul that is in sorrow and does not lose hope. Rain is a symbol of renewal and purification. Rain, after which the sun rises and gives life.
One colleague, when I shared this picture at Jungian readings in the winter of 2022, shared his impressions. He said that this picture is like a prayer. I feel grateful; this is how I felt this painting process - as a prayer for Ukraine.
Thank you WUJ for the valuable support of Ukrainians. This project feels to me like a prayer uttered by Love itself.

June 11, 2023

Peace for Ukraine


Submission from Julia Rechenbach-Moomaw, United States

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Julia Rechenbach-Moomaw

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Russia Ukraine war

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Earth Mother, Divine Feminine as protection
Doves as symbols of Peace
Sunflowers as loyalty and life force

Comment/коментар: A woman in her Vyshyvanka represents the pride and beauty of Ukraine's folkloric roots, its connection to its fertile land.

The white deer, precious and like a messenger from an otherworld, comes to the protection of everything pure and dear. The hunting of a white deer is not tolerated and the doves bring peace.

Sunflowers remind us of the loyalty of Ukrainians to their beloved country. Just as the faces of sunflowers follow the sun across the sky, the world will keep their eyes on Ukraine and send light and love its way. Each day of this war, a candle is lit with the prayer for peace.

May 16, 2023

Burning Bush


Submission from Linda Mary Edwards, United States
Murray Stein, May 16th

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Linda Mary Edwards

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: lockdown, old testament

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: burning bush, fire

May 16, 2023

Stars of Peace for Ukraine


Submission from Suzanna Klein, United States
This Jungian Life

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Suzanna Klein

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: I used the colors of Ukraine, in various shades of wool, to create the knitted stars.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Stars. The cosmos. Prayer.

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: May 16, 2023

Comment/коментар: Presently the tea towels are in a private collection in my account at the company Spoonflower. If there is interest I can create a public collection. I have been donating proceeds from my work to help the people of Ukraine through the World Kitchen Central. Thank you ARAS.org for making it possible for artists to display their concern.

May 15, 2023

Mariana and Veronika Vishegirskaya Bombed by Putin


Submission from N Thor, United States

Creator/source/творець/джерело: AP Photo Evgeniy Maloetka

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: In March of 2022 a Mariupol maternity hospital was bombed by Putin.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: The mother. The infant. Birth. The time of labor, giving birth is both natural and fraught. Associated with what is fecund, gravid, created and loving. Birth can also be difficult and traumatic; mother and child at risk.

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 3/2022

Comment/коментар: We are awash in images from all quarters, constantly. Some sear. I render news images in charcoal over words. Charcoal, living trees to ash as are we, living flesh then dust, ash, gone. Descendants and ancestors walking. The juxtaposition of life struggling to enter the world with bombs simultaneously seeking to end lives still pains. May the Vishegirskaya family be well and Ukraine restored.

May 9, 2023

The Guardian Angel


Submission from Inna Rozhkova, Ukraine
Webinar 4 - Lionel Corbett & Olena Pozdieieva - Jung's notion of the Self: An emerging new God-image

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Icon painting, Inna Rozhkova

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Icon painting, technique of the 4th century

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Faith, hope, help, acceptance, God

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 14.08.2022

Comment/коментар: Angel is a guardian, in Christianity it is considered a mentor and guardian of a person at birth. We wish the Guardian Angel to help people with difficulties and difficulties on the path of life. It is a mediator between God and man.
An angel helps people to be heard by God.
My Angel knocked on my door in the summer of 2022, at that time I was far from my native home, in a foreign country, a stranger to myself....
It was difficult to depict Angel's face, as if I could not see him in myself. She turned her thoughts to him and stood the time, stopped and repeated the image again and again, washed off the remaining pigment and started again, like Penelope who wove a shroud during the day and untied it at night. It seemed to me that this was an endless process, and so it was a month of work and resignation, tears, despair and the birth of hope.

May 9, 2023

Finding the inner warrior/ Archangel Michael


Submission from Inna Rozhkova, Ukraine
Webinar 4 - Lionel Corbett & Olena Pozdieieva - Jung's notion of the Self: An emerging new God-image

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Own icon painting

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Sacred, icon painting

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Divine, faith, search, prayer, overcoming, help, God, numinous

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 12.07.2022

Comment/коментар: War forces the awakening of the inner warrior, for some it is literally defending our land from the enemy, saving children, their lives, being warriors in occupied territories or adapting in another country. Internally, we need a sense of our own strength and loyalty to ourselves, clarity of decisions and actions.
Internal support for me was writing the icon of Archangel Michael. I prayed to him when my brother was in danger under enemy fire, when my father was saving his own life and fighting an illness, when a student was in captivity, when I was afraid and I was losing my faith.

Війна змушує до пробудження внутрішнього воїна, для когось це буквально захищати від ворога нашу землю, рятувати дітей, своє життя, бути воїнами на окупованих територіях чи адаптуватись в іншій країні. Внутрішнє ми потребуємо відчуття власної сили і вірності собі, чіткості рішень і дій.
Внутрішньою підтримкою для мене було написання ікони Архангела Михаїла. Молилась йому коли брат був в небезпеці під вогнем ворога, коли тато рятував власне життя і боровся з хворобою, коли учень перебував в полоні, коли мені було страшно і я втрачала віру .

March 23, 2023

Marble art design


Submission from Marilyn Mathew, United Kingdom
Joe Cambray & Inna Kyryliuk - ‘Synchronicity and Trauma

Creator/source/творець/джерело: teresad72 on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/users/teresad72-9622190/

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: An ancient art form as a digital image

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Repair, gold, strength through breakage, scars, separatio-coniunctio.

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 2023

March 16, 2023



Submission from Mariya Morya, Ukraine
Webinar 2 - Jung's New Cure of Souls

Creator/source/творець/джерело: by Willam Ernest Henley 1875

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: William Ernest Henley wrote this poem after his leg was forced to be amputated. He was lying in bed and could not sleep because of the pain. In an attempt to somehow alleviate his condition, he wrote down these lines.

Вільям Ернест Хенлі написав цей вірш після вимушеної ампутації ноги. Він лежав у ліжку і не міг заснути від болю. В спробі якось полегшити свій стан, він записав ці рядки.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: an ear of corn, which is a symbol of life, which will grow in its time, regardless of circumstances

Comment/коментар: Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

March 12, 2023

Absent Father Effect


Submission from Susan Schwartz, United States

Creator/source/творець/джерело: internet

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Loss, shock, whether gradual or sudden reverberates from the absence of father. This is to be filled individually and collectively as that is the effect of absence--how it becomes filled. The ability to represent father is existent in the psyche. It develops through recognizing the projections, symbols and to recreate from them. This derives from making space for mourning.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: The fairytales and legends of the world embody images of the absent father. There he appears as unconscious, killed, physically or emotionally lacking. Recognizing the despair, internal conflict, and depression inhabit the psyche. The object is to feel and fill the vacated space. Wars and the history of systemic, family, and cultural lack leave the psychological tasks for bringing the cultural and personal out of the emotional abyss and void states from the absent father.

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: current

March 10, 2023

Homage for Ukraine's dead


Submission from Susan Bostrom-Wong, United States
Joe Cambry

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Susan Bostrom-Wong

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Death, grief, loss, and war.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: The Archetype of Death

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 2023

Comment/коментар: With deep sorrow for the Ukraine.

March 9, 2023



Submission from Susan Schwartz, United States

Creator/source/творець/джерело: internet

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: War, physical and emotional absence

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Lack of father presence resulting in emotional grief, loss, bewilderment as depicted in life, fairytales, legends

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: current

February 25, 2023



Submission from Ryan Bush, United States
Webinar 2 - Jung's New Cure of Souls

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Ryan J. Bush, Ph.D., RyanBushPhotography.com

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: This 3-D multiple exposure photograph is from my series of mandala-like photographs of trees called "From Wandering to Illumination". Like all works in the series, when I create the photograph I start by concentrating on a single twig or leaf out of the full complexity of a tree, then take multiple photographs from different angles, coming back to that same central point again. Later I work with the photograph in the computer, turning the photograph into a complex three-dimensional image that can serve as a meditative object like a traditional mandala.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: This is one of the darkest photographs from the series "From Wandering to Illumination", reminding me of the dark night of the soul — the most difficult part of the archetypal journey where we find ourselves in darkness that seems completely hopeless and impenetrable. However, the gift of finding ourselves in such a terrible place is that it’s only in this dense darkness that we can find a light that we would otherwise have overlooked in the ordinary busyness of ordinary life.

In this photograph, the tiny bits of light showing through the branches represent this light of hope, which we can always find if we look hard enough. When we manage to keep going through the dark night of the soul, whether because we see this light of hope, or simply because we have no choice but to keep going, sooner or later we *will* find our way out of the darkness.

When we emerge from the dark night of the soul (whether it is due to the awful atrocities of war, or due to more everyday kinds of suffering like chronic pain, emotional anguish, or any other kind of severe challenge), we will find ourselves forged into something incredibly powerful — at the soul level we become an indestructible diamond, with strength we would never have imagined.

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 2018

Comment/коментар: While this image can be appreciated either as a regular two-dimensional photograph, or as a 3-D photograph with a pair of red/cyan 3-D glasses, for me the 2-D photograph symbolically represents the ordinary level of reality, and putting on the 3-D glasses represents the transformative power of the transcendent function and the Self. Both are perfectly valid ways of seeing the world, but the perspective of the Self is far more complex and richer, and can completely transform how we see the world.

Meanwhile, it doesn’t seem to be a coincidence that there are so many conflicts going on in the world, such as the war between Ukraine and Russia, between tolerance and fundamentalism, and between compassion and selfishness. More than ever before, we are being given countless chances to choose what we believe in — do we care about greed, power, fear, and hatred, or about harmony, helping each other, love, and true joy? We are in this world right now for a reason, to stand up for what we believe in, in whatever ways we are able to.

February 21, 2023

Beach in Odessa


Submission from Olena Balakhonova, Ukraine

Creator/source/творець/джерело: internet

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: The beach in Odessa, Ukraine. February 2023.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: colors of war

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: Ukraine. February 2023.

February 20, 2023

Battle dance Hertz

Audio file

Submission from Oksana Korobova, Ukraine 
Webinar 2 
Jung's Cure of Souls: Jung’s practice and shifts in Analytical Psychology
Sonu Shamdasani and Svitlana Shevchenko

Creator/source/творець/джерело: O. Juravchak/ N. Rubchenko/ NAONI Orchestra/ Ensemble of percussion instruments ARS NOVA composers : G. Chernenko, O. Juravchak, A. Shust, N. Rubchenko

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: The well-known Zaporizhia Cossacks (free warriors), who settled on the island of Khortytsya on the Dnieper rapids, Ukraine, invented a tactic which they performed during the initial stages of the battle. It was a hertz - a test of warriors’ courage and strength before a general battle which is very similar to a dance. It’s a duel of individual soldiers before the main battle, in which military art was revealed. 
The "hertz" tactic is something like a psychic attack, also called the bloody dance of death, which could drive any opponent into panic fear. 

The ritual of Hertz would look like this: before the beginning of a battle, when the troops are standing and facing each other, a group of Cossacks leave the ranks and go directly to the enemy lines. Under the constant enemy barrage, they would start mocking their enemy by dancing under the bullets, laughing and shouting all kinds of obscenities at them. Cossacks prancing to demonstrate courage, morally oppressing the opponent. When Cossacks returned from the hertz they always returned with glory. Sometimes no one returned.

“Hertz” is an ancient Ukrainian word, it is written as “Герць” in Cyrillic, and it can’t be translated into any other language. The fact that this word exists only in Ukrainian language, speaks a lot about the Ukrainians’ characters. 
Now the ancient hertz has returned. All Ukrainian people stand with the enemy, facing him with the spirit of our ancestors.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Archetype of Warrior
When the Warrior comes into our lives, we learn to set goals and develop strategies for achieving them. It requires the development of discipline and courage,
ability to fight and to defend the country’s boundaries, and people’s life.

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 2022/2023

February 17, 2023

«Космічне дерево України» (автор Олег Шупляк, 2023).


Submission from Ксенія Литвиненко-Полозенко, Ukraine
Нове лікування душі за Юнгом: Роздуми про практику Юнга та пізніші зміни в Аналітичній психології.
Jung's Cure of Souls: Jung’s practice and shifts in Analytical Psychology

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Український художник Олег Шупляк Ukrainian artist Oleg Shuplyak

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Дерево Роду. Family tree.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Дерево Душ (х/ф «Аватар»).
Дерево Життя.
Tree of Souls (h/f "Avatar").
Tree of Life.

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: січень 2023 р. January 2023

Comment/коментар: Ми всі є листям одного дерева.
Ми всі є хвилями одного моря.
(Тіч Нхат Ханх, буддійський монах)

We are all leaves of the same tree.
We are all waves of the same sea.
(Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist monk)

February 15, 2023

l’équilibre éternel des forces antagonistes. Une « Valentine » soin à l’âme au cœur de la guerre.


Submission from Geneviève Estève Herment, France
Associated to Webinar 2
« The Care of Souls »

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Photographie : Alexander Krivitskiy, unsplash, Kyiv, Ukraine, published on February 26, 2018. Photographie : Alexander Krivitskiy, unsplash, Kyiv, Ukraine, 26 Février 2018

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Cultural context
Une photographie d’un artiste ukrainien.
A photograph by an ukrainian artist.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Archétype : l’équilibre éternel des forces antagonistes. En temps de menace, poésie, fiction et images symboliques soudent la communauté et pansent les maladies de l’âme.Création et synchronicité. Complexio oppositorum. Nigredo. Invasion de l’Ukraine et Saint-Valentin. La force lumineuse de la tradition courtoise née au XIVe siècle. Puissance curative de la création poétique en temps de guerre. Principe de coopération, principe directeur de l’évolution. Force d’âme, intuition issues de l’obscurité
Archetype: the eternal balance of antagonistic forces.
In times of threat, poetry, fiction and symbolic images unite the community and heal the illnesses of the soul. Creation and synchronicity. complexio oppositorum. Nigredo. Invasion of Ukraine and Valentine's Day. The luminous force of the courtly tradition born in the 14th century. Healing power of poetic creation in times of war. Principle of cooperation, guiding principle of evolution. Fortitude, intuition from darkness

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: Alexander Krivitskiy, unsplash, Kyiv, Ukraine 26 Février 2018

Comment/коментар: L’Ukraine est plongée dans la rigueur de l’obscurité comme dans la partie gauche de cette image. Illustration d’un monde vibrant dans le désastre du conflit où la part lumineuse éblouit par sa présence miraculeuse et invincible.
Qui peut regarder sans ciller l’énergie du feu quand celle-ci est utilisée pour violenter le monde et plonger les êtres humains au plus profond de l’obscurité ? La femme de l’image se recouvre les yeux avec la main. La main devant les yeux fait ressentir le calme de l’effroi face à la violence. Retrait dans le for intérieur. Le regard se tourne vers l’intérieur pour voir. Le regard de l’âme pour accueillir l’intuition. Nulle nécessité de regarder la noirceur pour la voir. Tout est su au plus profond de la psyché humaine de cette dévastation. Toutes les cellules de la peau en sont imprégnés. La femme ici est à fleur de peau. Aphrodite aux prises avec l’obscurité de la nuit de l’âme. La photographie pourrait être intitulée « Clair de femme » selon l’émouvante évocation du roman de Romain Gary. La femme recouverte d’obscurité en illumine d’autant plus l’espace. Le féminin du monde fait clarté. L’amour irradie dans l’obscurité. Dans l’effroyable croissance de la part obscure c’est la résolution de la « complexio oppositorum » qui grandit également. L’incontournable complémentarité des contraires est en douloureuse gestation dans l’œuvre au noir.
J’ai découvert cette photographie le 21.12.2021 sur un site où des photographes du monde entier proposent leurs images libres de droit. J’ai conservé cette image. Je n’en ai pas fait l’illustration d’une publication comme à l’accoutumée. J’étais émerveillée par sa puissance, sa numinosité ! Elle ne pouvait illustrer que l’extraordinaire. Je n’avais pas alors réellement noté que le photographe était ukrainien ! Je ne sais rien du projet de l’artiste dans la réalisation de ce cliché datant de 2018. Je lui dit ma gratitude. C’est cette photographie qui m’est aussitôt revenue à l’esprit en m’inscrivant au deuxième webinar WUJ du 21 Février 2023.
Peu à peu sont venus à ma conscience les archétypes qu’elle avait activés. Au delà de l’extraordinaire réussite de ce cliché et de sa qualité d’œuvre d’art, l’image suscite une forte impression par sa profondeur. Elle évoque l’amour aux prises avec l’obscurité mais également le féminin partiellement ensevelie par la part de noirceur du monde. Le monde lorsqu’il est arc-bouté dans l’opposition à son extrême. C’est une illustration de la lumière qui s’élève dans la nuit à chaque moment de guerre et de désastre.
Par une extraordinaire synchronicité, est venue s’y adjoindre la proximité de la Saint-Valentin fête qui traverse les siècles depuis le Moyen-Age et qui éclaire le mois de Février. L’invasion de l’Ukraine il y a un an a surgi dans ce moment si particulier. Le webinar sur le soin des âmes est placé sur ce mois un an plus tard ! C’est face au malheur des temps qu’émerge au XIVe siècle en France et en Angleterre un véritable mode poétique, le poème courtois . C’est un poème qui naît au cœur de l’hiver et en pleine guerre de Cent Ans !
En temps de menace, poésie, fiction et images symboliques soudent la communauté et pansent les maladies de l’âme. Pour faire front à l’épidémie de peste noire qui frappe Florence en 1348 l’échange de contes et de poèmes sera de même destiné à faire front face à l’épidémie. Liée à l’amour, la « Valentine » s’inscrit dans une histoire tout autant personnelle que socio-politique. La poétique/politique de l’échange possède une grande puissance d’appel.
Le site d’images et de textes #WUJ Gallery au sein des « WithUkrainianJungian webinar series » est un espace qui, à l’instar de la cour d’Angleterre puis de celle de France au XIVe siècle, établit une « cour amoureuse »,
un espace des liens de l’esprit et de communion des âmes avec pour objectif de maintenir la joie et l’espérance dans un moment où l’Ukraine est dévastée par la guerre, dans un moment où notre corps européen et le monde dans son unité et son ensemble est ébranlé par des forces contraires, violemment opposées et antagonistes.
Je suis profondément heureuse et émue d’avoir l’opportunité de participer à l’espace WUJ Gallery. Profondément touchée par le rapprochement des Jungiens du monde entier rejoignant la communauté jungienne Ukrainienne au sein d’un groupe ouvert, bienveillant et créateur. Puissent les Ukrainiens et les Ukrainiennes y puiser force d’âme et espérance.
Sous la main recouvrant les yeux, tant de villes d’Ukraine, les maisons, la solitude de tant d’êtres, les couples, la beauté des femmes et des fleurs, l’élan de la jeunesse, le gazouillis des enfants, le bruissement des jardins, les jeux joyeux de l’enfance et de l’amour, ainsi que les échanges, les soins, la quintessence de l’intime, toute cette puissance de vie creusant inlassablement un passage sous le permanent couvre-feu. Enseveli mais ni éteint ni coupé du reste du monde.
Si l’humanité ne coopérait pas plus qu’elle n’entre en conflit, nous ne serions pas parvenus à ce degré de civilisation internationale. Oui Pablo c’est de cela qu’il faut parler inlassablement. De ce principe de coopération qui est le principe directeur de l’évolution.
J’ai l’espoir que le choix de cette photographie et des paroles qui l’accompagnent seront source d’associations en échos. Je réponds à l’invitation magnifique de Pavlo Vishebaba « Please dont write to me about the war,
Tell me if there is a garden near to you ». Nous espérons ensemble l’accomplissement de cet acte céleste soutenant les actions humaines qui vient à terme équilibrer les forces opposées. Nous tenons et nous nous soutenons en fabriquant des jardins de paroles et d’images symboliques qui éclairent le cœur.
C’est de ce jardin de l’équilibre éternel des forces antagonistes dont parle la photographie d’Alexander Krivitskyi. Oui il y a un jardin près de moi. Comment survivre à la part âpre de l’existence sans ce jardin. Il a sa contrepartie à l’intérieur de nous. Il est l’étoile qui nous permet de traverser les nuits sans astres visibles. Il est la beauté du monde. Comme la Valentine de la Guerre de cent ans, puisse cette lettre-poème, éclairer votre cœur Pablo ainsi que la déchirure dans le cœur de tous les psychanalystes ukrainiens soignant la déchirure au cœur de leur pays.
"…………………………. ………………………………………………………………… « 
Are shrouded in darkness,the cities of Ukraine, the daily lives of women, homes, young people, children, flower gardens. The exchanges, the gentle care, the quintessence of intimacy, the garden of loves are found under fire and curfew.
Who can stare unblinkingly at the energy of fire when it is used to violate the world? The gaze turns inward to see. The gaze of the soul to welcome intuition. You don't have to look at the darkness to see it. All is known deep within the human psyche of this devastation. All the cells of our skin know everything about it. The woman in the photograph is on edge. Aphrodite grapples with the darkness of the night of the soul. "Clair de femme" according to the moving evocation of Romain Gary.The woman in the image illuminates the space.The feminine of the world sheds light. In the appalling growth of the dark side it is the resolution of the "complexio oppositorum" that also grows. The unavoidable complementarity of opposites is in painful nigredo gestation.Illustration of a vibrant world in the disaster of conflict where the luminous part dazzles with its miraculous and invincible presence.
I discovered this photograph in 2018 on a site where photographers from all over the world offer their images free of rights. I saved this image. I did not illustrate it for a publication as usual. I was amazed by its power! She could only illustrate the extraordinary. I hadn't really noticed either that the photographer was Ukrainian! I don't know anything about the artist's project in the realization of this shot. I tell him my gratitude. It was this photograph that came to mind when I registered for the second WUJ webinar on February 21, 2023. Little by little came to my consciousness the archetype she had activated deep within me. Beyond the extraordinary success of this shot and its quality as a work of art, the image impresses with its depth. It evokes love struggling with darkness but also the feminine partially buried by the part of darkness of the world braced in opposition to its extreme. It is an illustration of the light that rises in the night at every moment of war and disaster.
By an extraordinary synchronicity, the proximity of Saint Valentine's Day has been added to it, a celebration that has spanned the centuries since the Middle Ages and which lights up the month of February. The invasion of Ukraine arose at this very special moment. It was in the face of the misfortune of the times that a veritable poetic mode emerged in France and England in the 14th century, the « poème courtois ». It is a poem that was born in the heart of winter and in the midst of the Hundred Years War! In times of threat, poetry, fiction and symbolic images unite the community and heal the illnesses of the soul. To face the epidemic of black plague which strikes Florence in 1348 the exchange of tales and poems will likewise be intended to face the epidemic. Linked to love, the "Valentine" is part of a personal and socio-political history. The poetics/politics of exchange has great power of appeal.
The #WUJ Gallery image and text site within the "WithUkrainianJungian webinar series" is a space which, like the court of England and then that of France in the 14th century, establishes a "love court", a space of bonds of spirit and communion of souls with the aim of maintaining deep joy at a time when Ukraine is devastated by war and when our European body and the world in its unity and as a whole is shaken by opposing forces, violently opposed and antagonistic. I am deeply happy to participate in this space of the gift of the heart. Deeply touched by the gathering of Jungians from all over the world, bringing together Ukrainian Jungians in a large caring community. May Ukrainian men and women draw strength and hope from it. Hand over eyes that will always signify the calm of dread before the Thousand Year War, we turn our gaze inward, to see you. You are
immersed in the rigor of darkness as in the left part of this image that we have all visited for thousands of years.
Under the hand covering the eyes, so many cities of Ukraine, the houses, the loneliness of beings, the couples, the beauty of women and flowers, the rush of youth, the chirping of children, the rustling of gardens, the joyful games of childhood and love, as well as exchanges, care, the quintessence of intimacy, all this power of life tirelessly digging a passage under the permanent curfew. Buried but not extinguished.A vibrant world in the disaster of conflict where the luminous part dazzles with its miraculous and invincible presence. Yes Pablo, that's what we have to talk about tirelessly.
I hope that the choice of this photograph and the words that accompany it will not offend anyone. I respond to the magnificent invitation of Pavlo Vishebaba
"Please dont write to me about the war,
Tell me if there is a garden near to you"
We wait together for the accomplishment of this celestial act supporting human actions which ultimately balances the opposing forces. We hold and sustain each other by making gardens of words that enlighten the heart.
It is this garden of the eternal balance of antagonistic forces that Alexander's photograph speaks of.
Yes there is a garden near me. How to cross the harsh part of existence without this garden. It has its counterpart deep within me. He is the Star that allows us to cross the nights without visible stars. He is the beauty of the world.
Like the Valentine of the Hundred Years War, may this letter-poem enlighten your heart Pablo as well as the tear in the heart of all Ukrainian psychoanalysts.
Geneviève Estève Herment
Toulouse France
14 Février 2023
February 14th 2023

February 13, 2023

де намальована дівчинка з собачкою Where a girl with a dog is drawn


Submission from Inna Kyryliuk, Ukraine

Creator/source/творець/джерело: n/a

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Обставини: мало інформації. Малюнок був представлений психологом на супервізійній грапі підтримки для психологів, які проводили консультування для біженців. 

Молода  українська дівчина, яка втратила сімью в перші дні війни, намагаючись виїхати з окупації. Стала біженкою й перебувала в Польщі в таборі для біженців. 

 Малюнок відображає спогади. 

Circumstances: little information.  The drawing was presented by a psychologist at a supervision support group for psychologists counseling refugees.

 A young Ukrainian girl who lost her family in the first days of the war, trying to leave the occupation.  She became a refugee and was in a refugee camp in Poland.

   Picture reflects memories.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: n/a

February 13, 2023

де намальована дівчинка на підлозі з червоними плямами, надпис «па-па». Where a girl is drawn on the floor with red spots, the inscription "pa-pa".


Submission from Inna Kyryliuk, Ukraine

Creator/source/творець/джерело: n/a

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Обставини: обставини достовірно не відомі. Малюнок був представлений психологом на супервізійній грапі підтримки для психологів, які проводили кризове консультування з постраждалими, яких звільнили з окупованих територій. 

Circumstances: the circumstances are not reliably known.  The picture was presented by a psychologist at a supervision support group for psychologists who conducted crisis counseling with victims who were released from the occupied territories.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: n/a

February 13, 2023

1- й малюнок сну (хлопчик підліток з конем) 1st dream picture (a teenage boy with a horse)


Submission from Inna Kyryliuk, Ukraine

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Прчаток березня 2022, підліток 13-14 років.  Born in March 2022, teenager 13-14 years old.

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Ця інформація зі слів молодої дівчини 20 років. Вона Старша сестра підлітка, який намалював малюнок. Вона тримала зв’язок з молодшим братом. Хлопчик залишався на окупованій території під Києвом. Він з мамою та бабусею потрапив в частковий полон й був під арештом в будинку в підвалі. Російські солдати їх там утримували. Всі вижили. 

Не зрозуміло цей малюнок сну до полона в акупаців чи після (не має точної інформаціі). 

This information is from the words of a young girl of 20 years.  She is the older sister of the teenager who drew the picture.  She kept in touch with her younger brother.  The boy stayed in the occupied territory near Kyiv.  He and his mother and grandmother were partially captured and were under arrest in the basement of the house.  Russian soldiers kept them there.  All survived.

 It is not clear whether this dream pattern was before or after capture by the occupiers (it does not have accurate information).

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Опис сну: зі слів сестри, хлопець розповів, що бачив сон, який дуже йому запам’ятався  й вразив. намалював малюнок цього сну. Сон про шлях и силу. Подробиці не відомі. 

Dream description: according to his sister, the boy said that he saw a dream that he remembered and impressed very much.  drew a picture of this dream.  A dream about a path and strength.  Details are not known.

Comment/коментар: Коментар : «Сон та його промальовування активізують творчі ресурси, і в складних умовах є внутрішня сила знайти аркуш та ручку та знайти час малювати, а значить з'єднуватися із собою.

 Підтримати в такий спосіб свою дитячу частину, у непростих життєвих випробуваннях, неймовірно важливо.  Дивно, як центральні постаті людини та коні на малюнку читаються одним цілим.  Тендітна, але рішуча людина і сильна тварина, яка схилила голову йому на плече.  Кінь без вуздечки і сідла - потужна енергія, яка йде в такт з людиною, права передня нога коня і права нога людини напрочуд синхронні.  Безпека тіла часто визначається тим, як захищена спина.  Через малюнок відчувається сильна підтримка живого, тваринного, невичерпного джерела минулого свого досвіду і досвіду предків.  «Я є, я тут, я з тобою» Опора, безпека, крихкість, чутливість, сум і в цій живій та емоційній частині прихована дивовижна сила.  З якою можна з'єднуватися і проходити через різні випробування».

Commentary: “Sleep and its drawing activate creative resources, and in difficult conditions there is an inner strength to find a sheet and a pen and find time to draw, which means connecting with yourself.

 It is incredibly important to support your childish part in this way, in difficult life trials.  It is amazing how the central figures of a man and a horse in the figure are read as one.  A fragile, but determined person and a strong animal, bowing its head on his shoulder.  A horse without a bridle and a saddle is a powerful energy that goes in time with a person, the right front leg of a horse and the right leg of a person are amazingly synchronous.  The safety of the body is often determined by how secure the back is.  Through the drawing, one feels the strongest support of a living, animal, inexhaustible source from one's past experience and the experience of ancestors.  “I am, I am here, I am with you” Support, security, fragility, sensitivity, sadness, and in this living and emotional part there is an amazing power hidden.  With which you can connect and go through a variety of test».

February 10, 2023

Kurukshetra war in The Mahabharata


Submission from Sulagna Sengupta, India
Webinar 1 - Synchronicity and Trauma, Joe Cambray and Inna

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Manuscript illustration, unknown source, public domain. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kurukshetra.jpg

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Mahabharata is one of the two ancient epics of India, one of the oldest in the world and also one of the longest epics ever written.It portrays an apocalyptic war and the deep fissures and conflicts within the Kuru dynasty that led to the war. Composed more than three millenniums ago, its themes continue to surface in contemporary events. Description of weapons and battle-strategies form many chapters of the epic, and several millenniums later tell us about the archetypal basis of the human psyche.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: The end of the battle of Kurukshetra signified transition into a new Yuga or age, but this passage to a new time included tragic loss and annihilation of lives and profound suffering and anguish. The colour red dominates the image and suggests large-scale violence and bloodshed, and the many deaths that occurred on the battle-field - evocative of the current Ukrainian crisis. The end of Kurukshetra battle was announced by Krishna, through a blowing of the sacred conch-shell, that signified a shift in consciousness.

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: Unknown origin

February 7, 2023



Submission from Kate Banks, United States
Synchronicity and Trauma

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Kate Banks

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: As the wars we face within us also reflect the wars outside of us, a transmutation of this warring nightmare into a revival is immensly and collectivley vital.

“Real liberation comes not from
glossing over or repressing painful states of feeling,
but only from experiencing them to the full.” ~ Carl Jung

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Expressing pure moments engulfed in the dark night of the soul, growth and the essence of the process in its entirety are ever present in Revival, just as within us. As we journey through thorns to breach the bloom, fear weighs heavy on the heart and constrains growth. Yet, with a small and trusting smile complimented by a will to let go of what keeps us scared and separate, consciousness goes beyond the veil of a curtain and revives within us the ever peering harmonic and divine mind.

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 2018

February 7, 2023



Submission from Inna Kyryliuk, Ukraine

Creator/source/творець/джерело: 10-15 березня жінка 30 років. March 10-15, 30-year-old woman.

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Обставини: жінка була у Чернігові під час окупації.  Чернігів сильно бомбили та йшли активні бої у місті.  Їй вдалося досить швидко евакуюватись, у Чернігові вона була під обстрілами тиждень.

 Circumstances: the woman was in Chernihiv during the occupation.  Chernihiv was heavily bombed and there was active fighting in the city.  She managed to evacuate quickly enough, in Chernihiv she was under fire for a week.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Сон: уривок сну, що місто Чернігів горить у вогні від вибухів, купи диму та пилу поглинають місто.  Улюблене місто схоже на один великий вибух, як ядерний гриб.  І з'являється вертоліт.  Не зрозумію це вертоліт рятуватиме нас або бомбардуватиме.

 Сон наснився напередодні увечері, вночі волонтерам вдалося евакуювати цю жінку та її родину.

 Жінка сказала: «Що зрозуміла сон.  Вертоліт прилетів рятувати!» 

Вона була врятована та вивезена на безпечну територію.

 Dream: a fragment of a dream that the city of Chernihiv is on fire from explosions, piles of smoke and dust engulf the city.  The beloved city looks like one big explosion, like a nuclear mushroom.  And a helicopter appears.  I don't understand whether the helicopter will save us or bomb us.

  The dream came the night before, volunteers managed to evacuate this woman and her family at night.

  The woman said: "I understood the dream.  The helicopter came to rescue!"

 She was rescued and taken to a safe area.

Comment/коментар: Коментар: Навколо пожежі як символ того, що все палає, війна, небезпека.

 Якщо це пожежний вертоліт, то є надія на порятунок, рішення, можливість вилетіти з небезпечного місця.  Це може бути про ресурс, який прийде з неба як символ віри у вищі сили.

Comment: Around the fire as a symbol of the fact that everything is burning, war, danger.

  If it is a fire helicopter, then there is hope for rescue, a solution, an opportunity to take off from a dangerous place.  It can be about a resource that will come from heaven as a symbol of faith in higher powers.

February 7, 2023

намальований танк/ Painted Tank


Submission from Inna Kyryliuk, Ukraine

Creator/source/творець/джерело: 7-9 березня.  2022, молода жінка близько 33 років. March 7-9.  2022, a young woman about 33 years old.

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Обставини: жінка із сім'єю перебувала у місті Ірпінь.  Це місто було окуповане у перші дні війни.  Місто було дуже зруйноване, російські танки, військова техніка та солдати бомбили щодня будинки  та вбивали людей.  В Ірпені було скоєно геноцид українців: ґвалтували, катували та вбивали жінок, дітей, старих, усіх.  Люди ховалися по підвалах, сподіваючись вижити.  Ця жінка прожила кілька тижнів із сім'єю у підвалі, танк повністю зруйнував її будинок.

Circumstances: the woman and her family were in the city of Irpin.  This city was occupied in the first days of the war.  The city was badly destroyed, Russian tanks, military equipment and soldiers bombed houses and killed people every day.  Genocide of Ukrainians was committed in Irpen: they raped, tortured and killed women, children, old people, everyone.  People hid in basements, hoping to survive.  This woman lived for several weeks with her family in the basement, the tank completely destroyed her house.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Сон: величезний залізний монстр - танк упор усе розстрілює, все закатує  в асфальт.  Постріл в упор все спалює.  Сон-кошмар.

Dream: a huge iron monster - tank point-blank shoots everything, rolls everything into the asphalt.  A point-blank shot burns everything.  A nightmare dream.

Comment/коментар: Мої  коментарі: Ці сни й малюнки пов’язані центральним образом і відчуттям - “в упор”, “надто близько”, ”дуло танка наведене на мене”, ”протинає наскрізь”, мабуть це одна з центральних репрезентацій війни. Так психіка переживає зустріч із травмою війни. Як із чимось в рази більшим від тебе - як Танк, залізним, байдужим монстром, який тебе зітре - як визначає Ен Уланов, відбувається “стирання”.

Comment: These dreams and drawings are connected by the central image and feeling - "point-blank", "too close", "the barrel of a tank is aimed at me", "piercing through." Perhaps this is one of central representations of war. This is how the psyche experiences an encounter with the trauma of war. As with something much larger than you, like a Tank, an iron-clad, indifferent monster that will erase you - as defined by Ann Ulanov, "erasure" is what is taking place.

February 7, 2023

1-й малюнок сну/1st drawing of a dream


Submission from Inna Kyryliuk, Ukraine

Creator/source/творець/джерело: March 5-7, 2022, a 35-year-old woman/5-7 березня 2022, жінка 35 років

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Обставини: жінка перебувала у Києві під час обстрілу Києва, коли з 24 лютого у перші тижні російська армія намагалася прорвати оборону Києва.  Київ був перші три тижні під постійним обстрілом та загрозою прориву російських танків та армії.  У районі Оболоні один російський танк зміг в'їхати до міста, й був знищений.  Жінка жила у районі Оболонь.

Circumstances: the woman was in Kyiv during the shelling of Kyiv, when the Russian army tried to break through Kyiv's defenses in the first weeks of February 24.  For the first three weeks, Kyiv was under constant shelling and the threat of a breakthrough by Russian tanks and the army.  In the Oboloni district, one Russian tank was able to enter the city and was destroyed.  The woman lived in the Obolon district.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Опис сну: “В одному зі снів жінка зітнулася з танком, він був прямо напроти, навів дуло в серце. Жінка бачила смерть в упор і в цей момент відчула, що її врятує вишиванка (це український національний одяг), вона розчахнула пальто, під яким була вишиванка, - танк зупинився. Як вона сказала: “Його зупинила українська ідентичність!”. 

 Dream: “In one of her dreams, a woman faced a tank, it was right in front of her, pointing its barrel at her heart. The woman saw death point-blank, and at that moment she felt that she would be saved by her vyshyvanka (an embroidered shirt, the Ukrainian national clothing), she opened her coat under which she wore the vyshyvanka, and the tank stopped. As she said: “The Ukrainian identity stopped it!"

Comment/коментар: Мої коментарі : «Вишиванка несе сакральний смисл українського роду, код нації, силу предків, які голкою з ниткою вишивали символи землі, захисту й свободи. Моє відчуття - що моя країна Україна, як ця жінка, зустріла цей ганебний напад чимось набагато сильнішим, ніж залізна зброя, вона протиставила щось символічне: цінності, ідентичність, саму правду, любов і стійкість». 

Comment: A vyshyvanka bears the sacred meaning of the Ukrainian genus, the code of the nation, the power of ancestors who embroidered the symbols of the land, protection, and freedom with a needle and thread. I feel that my country, Ukraine, like the woman, countered this shameful attack with something much stronger than iron weapons, she contested it with something symbolic: values, identity, truth itself, love, and resilience.

February 7, 2023

Free drawing


Submission from Maria Mendaliants, Ukraine

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Maria Mendaliants

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: War in Ukraine

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Connecting the collective and individual parts of the horror that my psyche and soul are experiencing now. More precisely, to say "trying to survive."

Поєднання колективної та індивідуальної частин жаху, який зараз переживає моя психіка та душа. Точніше сказати «намагається вижити».

February 2, 2023

Opposite the Sun


Submission from Sue Smethurst, United Kingdom
Synchronicity and Trauma Joe Cambray

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Jan Malaszek

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: One of a series of paintings by Jan of the early days of the war in 2022

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Light masking Shadow which is left for the observers imagination

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 2/2/23

Comment/коментар: Jan is a Ukrainian/English artist and tutor

January 31, 2023

Embrace ( hug) the immeasurable


Submission from Mariya Morya, Моря Марія, Ukraine

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Oleg Shupliak

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Ukrainian artist.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Stork symbolism. Since long ago in Ukraine, this bird symbolized love for the father and mother who blessed this world. And therefore, it is a symbol of procreation, family well-being and love for the native land

Storks are considered holy birds because of their loyalty to humans, because they have never harmed humans.
Our ancestors believed that birds are endowed with human souls, feel the human heart and understand language.

According to an ancient belief, birds flew away in autumn, taking with them the souls of the deceased and accompanying them to the underworld. In the spring, returning home, they accompanied the souls of babies who were destined to be born soon.

With their arrival and call, they announced the change of the natural cycle, the coming joy, carefree spring and happy summer

When the birds fly home, the male is the first to return to the nest. He protects it and makes sure that no one else takes it, and soon the hostess returns. It is interesting that not only the nest itself, but also a certain part of the territory around it is considered to be its own territory, which was encroached upon by other birds. If the bird left it, it was believed that the yard and the house would also be empty in the near future. The village where the storks settled was also protected from calamities and danger.

January 31, 2023



Submission from Diane Stanley, United Kingdom
Synchronicity & Trauma

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Myself

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: U.K. Christian / secular

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Darkness, extreme tension, the hope of resolution

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 2022 after Putin invaded Ukraine

Comment/коментар: traumatic reverberations around the Western globe

January 30, 2023

Диво. Відома в Україні народна майстриня та її ляльки-мотанки.


Submission from Ксенія Литвиненко-Полозенко, Ukraine
Синхронія і травма.
Synchronicity and Trauma

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Світлини з соціальної мережі. Photos from the social network.

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Українські народні ляльки (хатні, саморобні кукли) у своїй образній основі є втіленням добра й лагідності. Лялька, як правило, є посередником між бабусею та онукою, тобто між старшим і молодшим поколінням. Тому в ній, чи зробленій нашвидкоруч, щоб заспокоїти, «зайняти» дитину, чи виготовленій старанно, як подарунок на свято або на день народження, закладений, крім індивідуального, ще й родовий, етнічний, національний фактор любові і сподівань, віри в добро та захист від злих сил.
«Куклою» у народі (українському) називали жмуток стиглого колосся, який залишали на краю поля, закручували по ходу сонця і прикрашали яскравими стрічками та клаптиками тканини. Цей жмуток колосся використовувався у ритуалах, присвячених майбутньому врожаю. Крутити куклу – це спосіб, здобутий віковою хліборобською практикою.
Обряд останнього снопа також існує в інших країнах: в Німеччині він називається «Матінка жито» або «Стара жінка», в Польщі і Литві – зветься «Баба», в Болгарії –«Королева жита», в Англії й Австрії – «Королева колосся».
Є дуже давній український звичай - возити у скрині з приданим ляльку-мотанку. Вона служить оберегом у чужій родині, бо вважається, що в ляльку вселяється душа матері або бабусі. Ляльки успадковуються доньками від матерів та зберігаються до часу народження першої дитини. У цьому є прояв народної «магії» , коли зображення ляльки здатне викликати появу живої людини.
Багато народів вважають наявність у хаті ляльки запорукою майбутнього народження дітей.
Лялька-мотанка – ОБЕРІГ – це символ моделювання навколишнього світу й людини в ньому і сакральне творіння українського народу, яке з давніх давен виконувало роль оберегу людської душі й долі.
Лялька-мотанка має безліч сакральних значень, які сформовані ще в трипільську добу і є символом Матері-Прародительниці всього живого, первісного божества-захисника людини.
Основа ляльки виготовляється з клаптиків тканин методом накручування, намотування (без використання голки). Тому ця лялька називається мотанка. З частин створюється ціле.

Ukrainian folk dolls (homemade, homemade dolls) in their figurative basis are the embodiment of kindness and gentleness. The doll, as a rule, is an intermediary between grandmother and granddaughter, that is, between the older and younger generations. Therefore, whether it is hastily made to calm and "busy" the child, or carefully made as a gift for a holiday or a birthday, in addition to the individual, there is also a tribal, ethnic, national factor of love and hopes, faith in goodness and protection from evil forces.
The people (Ukrainian) called a bunch of ripe ears of corn, which was left on the edge of the field, twisted in the direction of the sun, and decorated with bright ribbons and scraps of fabric. This bunch of ears of corn was used in rituals dedicated to the coming harvest. Spinning a doll is a method acquired through age-old farming practice.
The ritual of the last sheaf also exists in other countries: in Germany it is called "Mother of Rye" or "Old Woman", in Poland and Lithuania it is called "Baba", in Bulgaria it is called "Queen of Rye", in England and Austria it is called "Queen of Ears". .
There is a very old Ukrainian custom - to carry a dowry doll in a chest. It serves as a talisman in someone else's family, because it is believed that the soul of the mother or grandmother resides in the doll. Dolls are inherited by daughters from mothers and kept until the birth of the first child. This is a manifestation of folk "magic", when the image of a doll can cause the appearance of a living person.
Many nations believe that the presence of a doll in the house is a guarantee of the future birth of children.
A motanka doll - OBERIG - is a symbol of modeling the surrounding world and a person in it and a sacred creation of the Ukrainian people, which from ancient times served as a talisman of the human soul and destiny.
The Motanka doll has many sacred meanings, which were formed as early as the Trypilian era and is a symbol of the Mother-Progenitor of all living things, the primordial deity-protector of man.
The base of the doll is made from scraps of fabric by the method of winding, winding (without the use of a needle). That is why this doll is called a motanka. The whole is created from the parts.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Лялька-мотанка - оберіг, символ цілісності людини, символ української ідентичності.
Велика Матір, Деметра, Ашнан, Рожаниця (давня заступниця долі, божество таланту та вдачі).

The motanka doll is a talisman, a symbol of human integrity, a symbol of Ukrainian identity.
Great Mother, Demeter, Ashnan, Rozhanitsa (ancient patroness of fate, deity of talent and good fortune).

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: січень 2023 р. January 2023

January 30, 2023

Black Square (1915)


Submission from Laner Cassar, Malta
Synchronicity and Trauma

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Kazimir Malevich

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: At the time when it was inaugurated it shocked the art world. Kazimir attempts to free art from the ballast of objectivity. He took refuge in the square form, letting feeling fly free through the non-objective. Through it he brings a new representation of the world of feeling.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Likewise when overwhelmed with trauma we have to find new ways of expressing the inexpressible such as is the case with synchronicity and art. As we look in darkness we await the light to come through the cracks.

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 1915

January 28, 2023



Submission from MARY CUNNELL, United Kingdom
Synchronicity and Trauma

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Luke Jerram

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Annual installation

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Earth/globe

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 1/27/2023

January 28, 2023

Winter lights, London


Submission from Mary Cunnell, United Kingdom
Joe Cambray 1/24/2023
Synchronicity and Trauma webinar

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Unknown

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Winter Lights" Canary Wharf, London


Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Beetle, and tree symbolism in Jungs Red Book

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 1/27/2023

January 26, 2023

Rising Sun


Submission from Tobi Zausner, United States

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Tobi Zausner

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: A fine art drawing created from 2013 to 2023 by an American artist, Tobi Zausner.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Archetype of the Hero and the Hero’s Journey.

The Hero’s journey is not a path of continuous victories, but also the endurance of hard times with the strength and resilience to carry on. It is a journey containing despair as well as ultimate triumph, and even during despair, the hero shines with the potential of a new day dawning. That is the archetypal association of this drawing, Rising Sun, as seen in its paragraph below.

The man sits, curled in despair, not realizing that a new day is dawning, and that he is the rising sun. Depression can turn people away from the light of their strength and resilience. They become mired in past disappointments, unaware of renewed potentials, symbolized by the tree trunk sprouting new leaves. We have the strength to begin each new day because we are all our own rising sun.

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 2013-2022

Comment/коментар: The image is entered in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and their Hero’s Journey to save their homeland.

January 26, 2023

LIZZARD, oil on canvas


Submission from Beatriz Ledesma, United States

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Dr. Beatriz Ledesma

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: In thinking about Ukraine and the ongoing war taking place there, I reflect on the human spirit and its resilience as well as how fragile life can be like pages of a book tossed into the wind.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Lizards are associated with change and with adaptability. They are symbols of success, health, and healing.

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 2022

January 26, 2023

Leda and the Swan


Submission from Stella Von Boch, United Kingdom
Associated with the series as a whole.

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Anonymous 16th century copy based on Michelangelo’s lost Leda cartoon of 1530; National Gallery London, C in the public domain, Wikipedia

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Michelangelo’s painting of Leda of 1530 only survives in copies. One of the copies is the 16th century painting shown here; it is based on Michelangelo’s Leda cartoon (also lost). The original was commissioned at the cusp of war by a famous Renaissance war lord (Alfonso d’Este) from Michelangelo; at the time, Michelangelo was responsible for the fortifications of his home town of Florence. The commission was made in the context of the city of Florence needing assistance against the approaching powerful Imperial army. The assistance was promised, but Alfonso d’Este never came to help. Michelangelo executed the painting in 1530 when Florence was under siege. Water, food and heating material were scarce. Later plague broke out within the walls of Florence. Michelangelo refused to hand over the painting to Alfonso d’Este when the siege was over. He gifted the painting instead to his apprentice Pisanello, who sat as a model for Leda. Pisanello took the Leda painting to France, where it was subsequently destroyed on the grounds that it was too lascivious.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: The subject matter of this work of art, which was commissioned and created in wartime, speaks to the archetypal idea that the seeds for war are sown beyond the human plane. 

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: Italian Renaissance, 1530

January 26, 2023

Ukrainian towel (rushnyk) and vyshyvanka.


Submission from Inna Kyryliuk, Ukraine
Associated with webinar 1 - Synchronicity and Trauma
До лекції «Синхроністичність та травма»

Creator/source/творець/джерело: unknown

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Embroidered towel (rushnyk) and vyshyvanka occupy a special place in Ukraine.  Towels (rushnyk) are a symbol of Ukraine, a reflection of the cultural memory of the people, their patterns preserve ancient magical signs, images of the "tree of life", the symbolism of the color red.  Vyshyvanka carries the sacred meaning of the Ukrainian family, the code of the nation, the power of ancestors, symbols of the land, protection and freedom.

Культурней контекст: Вишитий рушник та вишиванка  в Україні посідає особливе місце. Рушники — це символ України, відбиття культурної пам’яті народу, в їх узорах збереглися прадавні магічні знаки, образи «дерева життя», символіка червоного кольору. Вишиванка несе сакральний смисл українського роду, код нації, силу предків, символи землі, захисту й свободи.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Archetypal associations: Shroud, talisman and symbol of Ukrainian identity.

Архетипові асоціації:  плащаниця, оберіг й символ української ідентичності.

January 26, 2023



Submission from Inna Kyryliuk, Ukraine
Associated with webinar 1 - Synchronicity and Trauma
До лекції «Синхроністичність та травма»

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Dmytro Kozatsky

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: n/a

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: The Red Book of K. G. Jung - "Opening the Cosmic Egg--p.  64.;  Claude Monet "Sunrise.  Impression" 1872, 48×63 cm

Архетипові  асоціації :  Червона книга К. Г. Юнга -«Opening the Cosmic Egg--p. 64.; Відкриття космічного яйця - с. 64».; Клод Моне “Восход солнца. Впечатление”1872, 48×63 см.

January 26, 2023

Kintsugi pottery, blue and gold


Submission from Joe Cambray, United States
Associated with webinar 1 - Synchronicity and Trauma

Creator/source/творець/джерело: unknown

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Kintsugi is a Japanese art form of repairing broken objects, especially pottery using gold to mend the cracks and this creating luminescence and greater value through repair than was original present.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Wounded healer.

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 2022

Comment/коментар: Colors in honor of the Ukrainian flag; vision of wholeness for the future.

January 26, 2023

Texture, waves.


Submission from Marilyn Mathew, United Kingdom
Associated with the whole #WUJ project.

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Elena Arboleda Salas - https://pixabay.com/users/morenaclara62-499765/

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: The blue and yellow of the Ukrainian flag are of vital significance at a time when Ukraine is threatened with erasure.

In 1931, in his commentary on Wilhelm’s ’The Secret of the Golden Flower’ Jung wrote of his respect for the ’secret and mysterious life of Chinese wisdom’.  In recent years this story has been circulating in Ukraine:
When Chinese artist Mao Mao met one of Ukraine’s ex-Presidents, she begged him to reverse the colours of the flag. The reason was because according to the Book of changes I - Ching, the current disposition refers to the hexagram 否, pǐ, ‘sky above land’, which portends disaster and decline. If the colours were reversed, it would create the hexagram 泰, tài, ‘land above sky’  which portends success.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Universal symbols of the sun, wheat, sky and water.

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 2016

Comment/коментар: This beautiful uplifting image spoke to me whan searching for artwork to use on the #WUJ flyers.
The upwards/downwards movenent suggests both sunlight penetrating the depths at the same time as a reaching from the deep watery blue towards yellow sunlight, rivers flowing, wind through wheatfields,

January 25, 2023

The Glowing Limit


Submission from Joe Cambray, United States
Associated with webinar 1 - Synchronicity and Trauma

Creator/source/творець/джерело: David Mumford, Caroline Senies, and David Wright, Indra's Pearls: The Vision of Felix Klein

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: Spontaneous emergence of the pattern in a mathematics computation

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: Indra's Net--the interconnectedness of everything

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: early 2000

Comment/коментар: This image was used for the cover of the book from my Fay Lectures on Synchronicity (Nature and Psyche in an Interconnected Universe)

January 25, 2023

Ukrainian Cosmic Egg



Submission from Tamara Walker, United States
1st: Trauma and Synchronicity

Creator/source/творець/джерело: Tamara Walker

Cultural Context/культурний контекст: I sketched this painting, without intention, while listening to Trauma and Synchronicity. Afterward, I noticed my thoughts on Ukrainian Easter eggs and how the painting reminded me of them. I grew up in Edmonton, Alberta surrounded by many Ukrainian immigrants. As children, we painted Ukrainian eggs at Easter. Perhaps it is meaningful to our Ukrainian colleagues when non-Ukranians continue traditions like easter egg painting in solidarity with them and against their horrific experiences of cultural erasure. I intend to teach my local community in Seattle, WA how to paint Ukrainian eggs this Easter based on what Ukrainians taught me growing up.

Archetypal association/архетипна асоціація: cosmic egg; Easter and associated Christian symbolism of crucifixion, death, and rebirth

Date/period of image or audio/Дата/період зображення чи аудіо: 1/24/23