Blum Digital Collection

David Blum was a distinguished musician and writer, who documented his singular, inner journey in dream images, text, and music, over a thirty-five year period.
The forty-four exquisite digital reproductions of the original oil pastel paintings, are each accompanied by a rich and penetrating commentary, derived from the following primary sources: David Blum's unpublished "Pictures from the Unconscious," personal diaries, dream journals, and the DVD documentary, entitled "Appointment with The Wise Old Dog," produced in 1998, when David Blum was dying from cancer. Image and text reveal an unfolding story of a man's path towards wholeness, in which he faces death, yet experiences a healing transformation. David Blum's "Pictures from the Unconscious" should serve as a deep well for all of us, inspiring and guiding our own search for wisdom as often as we choose to drink from its rich source.

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